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Conversion of building for residential use approved

The couple was holding hands.

They were not in a restaurant.

They were not on a walk in the park.

They were at the Salisbury Zoning Hearing Board in the township municipal building meeting room, where they sat at a table and spoke into microphones.

Township officials sat behind the dais. The meeting was tape-recorded. A court stenographer sat at a desk nearby, typing the proceedings into a court-reporter typewriter.

The couple awaited the decision on their request to convert a business building into their residence.

“All we want to say is we want our house,” Ingrid Greenberg said on behalf of herself and Jorge Navas, who are 30-year residents of Bayonne, N.J.

Greenberg requested special exception approval to increase the number of dwelling units and convert the existing structure at 1818 E. Susquehanna St. into a single-family, detached dwelling.

Additionally, Greenberg requested variance relief to maintain the existing structure on a 5,020-square-foot lot (minimum required lot size is 6,000-square-feet) with a 2-foot setback on either side (minimum required side-yard setback is 6 feet per side with a total of 18 feet).

The property is in the township C2, Neighborhood Commercial zoning district.

Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board Chairman Attorney Kent Herman made the motion, seconded by Zoner Nicole Ortiz, to grant the special exception and variance, which was approved by a 3-0 vote at the June 14 hearing.

“My understanding is that it [the property] was a business,” Salisbury Assistant Township Manager-Director, Community Development Sandy Nicolo said.

“It was a house. Then it was converted to a business,” Zoner Ron Evans said.

“The request is to convert the business to a residence, or from zero to one [dwelling unit],” Salisbury Township Zoning Board Solicitor Attorney William J. Fries of Fries Law Office said.

“I won’t purchase the property until approvals [are given],” Greenberg, who made a $3,000 deposit toward the purchase, said.

“In order for you to proceed with this application, you have to own it. You don’t own it at this time,” Attorney Herman said to Greenberg.

“You don’t have to have an agreement of sale, but you have to have an equity interest in the property,” Fries said.

“We have a signed agreement of sale with the contingency that it is used for residential use,” Realtor Jay Young of Keller Williams Real Estate said, who presented to the zoning board an agreement of sale, dated April 2, with a settlement date of July 31.

“We are first-time homebuyers,” Greenberg said.

“I like arts and crafts. I would like to do arts and crafts on my own,” Greenberg said, adding, “I don’t plan to have an arts and crafts business.”

“We granted you the request and we welcome you to the community,” Herman said.

“We are sure it provided you with some anxiety,” Herman said to the couple about the approximate one-hour hearing.

The Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board 7 p.m. July 12 meeting is canceled.

The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners is scheduled to meet 7 p.m. July 13 and 7 p.m. July 27 in the Salisbury Township municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

The Salisbury Township Planning Commission is scheduled to meet 7 p.m. July 26 in the municipal building.