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School year highlights

ABOVE: Before the end of the school year, Northwestern Lehigh presented its first Student Expo and Science Fair for eighth grade students at the middle school. Projects were judged by the Science Olympiad Club from the high school. Kiley McAdams, eighth grader, stands by her project “Which Soft Drink is the Most Acidic?” (Spoiler alert: Mountain Dew).
ABOVE: Avery Muller, eighth grader, stands by her project “Which Lynx Teacher had the Dirtiest Door Handle?” (Mr. Kulp)
RIGHT: First prize went to Noah Griffith and Isaac Firestone for their “Tardigrades of Heidelberg Township.”
RIGHT: Messy and fascinating “Blood Spatter Patterns” were analyzed by Jossalin Romanov and Grace Riley. PRESS PHOTOS BY BERNADETTE SUKLEY