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GUEST VIEW AARP: AI brings new twist to fraud

One of the reasons fraud criminals remain relevant is their use of technology, they embrace emerging technologies because they know it’s a new way to steal money and information.

These days that is happening in the world of artificial intelligence - commonly known as AI.

While this raises the fraud threat to new heights, we can bring our defenses to new heights, too.

How they work

•You get a call from a child or grandchild who is in urgent trouble and needs money right away. Normally you might be skeptical, but the voice you hear is that of your loved one.

•An email arrives alerting you to suspicious charges on your bank account. You are used to getting scam emails like this that typically have terrible grammar, but this one is written perfectly.

•You see an online ad promoting ways you can access AI tools for your work or personal life. The ad directs you to a website where you can download the software for free.

What to know

• With only a few seconds of someone’s voice, often captured on social media videos, criminals can use AI voice-cloning to create a computer-generated version of a person’s voice that can say anything.

•AI “chatbots” can clean up many of the grammar errors that are common to scam emails or texts. This removes a typical red flag that consumers have gotten good at spotting.

•Downloading AI software to test out for yourself can also be dangerous. The Federal Trade Commission warns that criminals are using online ads to drive people to fake websites that download malware onto their devices.

What to do

•Remember that however convincing they might be, these scams are always going to ask with urgency for money or sensitive information. That fear, or panic, or excitement that comes from an out-of-the-blue message is your signal to disengage.

•If you get an urgent call from a loved one who needs money, hang up. Call them at the number you know to be theirs or check with another family member to make sure they are OK.

•We can no longer trust links in emails or text messages - nor can we trust clicking on online ads. Always type in the destination website yourself to ensure you aren’t sent to a fake version of the site.

As fraud criminals have access to increasingly sophisticated tactics, it is more important than ever to stay informed on the latest scam tactics and red flags.

Learn more information at aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork.

One more thing

We launched AARP VOA ReST, a free program that provides emotional support for people affected by a scam or fraud.

ReST sessions are online, hourlong, confidential small groups led by trained peer facilitators.

Experiencing a scam can be devastating, but it doesn’t have to define you.

To learn more, visit aarp.org/fraudsupport.

When it comes to fraud, vigilance is our number one weapon.

You have the power to protect yourself and your loved ones from scams.

If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam.

Share this alert with friends and family and visit the Fraud Watch Network for more information.

If you think you have been targeted or have fallen victim to a scam, contact the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 877-908-3360.