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Website update and redesign has begun

The Lower Milford Board of Supervisors’ June regular meeting was held June 15. The meeting began without public comment or any updates to the agenda.

The meeting minutes of May 18, the township treasurer’s report and the June bills were all approved without comment.

In the administrator’s report, it was noted work has begun to update and redesign the township website. Additionally, fall festival planning has started, including sponsor requests, vendor invitations and advertisements. Should you like to participate, contact the township office.

In public works, the report showed potholes had been filled on Baus Road, Buhman Road, Kraussdale Road and McFetteridge Lane. A street sign was installed on Landis Lane. Plus, a downed tree had to be cleared on Chestnut Hill Church Road.

The Macungie Ambulance Corps reported four calls to Lower Milford for the month of May.

There was only one item in old business. An approval was provided for a well isolation request agreement for a resident living off Limeport Pike in Coopersburg. This grants an exemption from the 100-foot requirement due to the property owner agreeing to purchase a UV light for the well. However, there was language within the agreement requiring the resident to have another surveyor inspection. The resident already had that work done. The board decided to strike out that language.

The meeting then moved to new business. There were several items.

First, was an acknowledgment of the completion of a compliance audit for the Lower Milford Township Employee’s Pension Plan for the period of Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2022. There was one important finding in that the township received an overpayment at the end of 2019 and the money was returned to the state. This was due to forfeiture.

Next, a discussion on the determination on pension forfeitures from nonvested employees stemmed from the previous item. The forfeitures from the recent nonvested employees received will be counted toward the allocation of state aid in 2023. A motion was put forward and approved for this item.

A renewal was approved for the Sanctuary at Haafsville contract for July 1 through Dec. 31. This is for animal pickup. There is a voucher system and stray cat pickup is limited to three per property; 56% of the year’s $3,000 budget was met in the first quarter.

Following this, approval was given to designate one of the supervisors as keyholder for the township building. Supervisor Lowell Linde was determined to be the keyholder.

The last item was a request from the Emmaus Police Department for fire police assistance at the Emmaus Halloween Parade Oct. 21, with a rain date of Oct. 22.

There was just one item in correspondence. A zoning hearing board notice was received from Upper Milford Township for a special exception for a detached dwelling unit. The property is near the Lower Milford boundary.

The meeting was then adjourned. The next meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. July 20. The meeting location is 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road.