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Walking Purchase Park regular cleanup planned

Two Salisbury Township men plan a twice-monthly cleanup of Walking Purchase Park.

Ed Del Viscio and John Eberhard made the announcement at the Salisbury Township Environmental Advisory Council June 21 meeting.

“I wanted to thank you for organizing the Earth Day cleanup,” Del Viscio said to the EAC. The Walking Purchase Park cleanup was April 22.

“We would like to continue that cleanup, maybe twice a month,” Del Viscio said, adding, “We would pick up debris and put it in bags.

“We would need Salisbury to give permission and we would need a place to put the debris in,” Del Viscio said.

“There is still a lot of trash. The amount around the pumping station has decreased. The traffic has decreased. Maybe the word is getting out,” Del Viscio said.

Eberhard brought photographs of Walking Purchase Park.

“Since the cleanup on Earth Day, there has been three dumps,” Eberhard said.

“There’s graffiti on everything. There are ATVs and Jeeps and a homeless camp,” Eberhard said.

Township Commissioner Heather Lipkin, commissioners’ EAC liaison, said she would notify Salisbury Township Chief of Police Donald Sabo about the cleanup plans and ask Salisbury Township Director of Public Works James Levernier about the possibility of placing a dumpster in Walking Purchase Park.