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Mayor’s Message: Community Days Fair coming soon

Summer greetings, everyone!

Despite the rains, I hope everyone was able to adequately celebrate our nation’s birthday. Still, as the fireworks and picnics of this July 4 holiday fade away, let’s not forget the price paid for these freedoms we enjoy - from the patriots who started this revolutionary journey back in 1776, through our patriots today.

Day by day, it does seem like more and more of our treasured freedoms are quietly slipping away, making it all the more important to keep vigilant, working to keep them eternal, generation to generation.

To that end, as it is said, “All government is local.” I again encourage you to tune into our borough council meetings on YouTube the first and third Thursdays of the month or stop by and visit council chambers for the meetings, which begin 7 p.m.

Your participation is the best way to ensure your Northampton government is representing you adequately.

Looking ahead to the near future, Northampton Exchange Club will again host the Northampton Community Days Fair. The fair opens 6 p.m. July 19 and continues through July 22, when there will be a fireworks extravaganza.

Wednesday night is children’s night, with $20 ride passes all night. There will be a pirate training show, set for 7:30-8:30 p.m., where kids can learn all the tricks and trades of dressing up like a pirate. This is one event you won’t want to miss!

Thursday is veteran’s night as we honor our beloved veterans. We’ll reminisce with the vocal stylings of The Swingtime Dolls.

Friday night features Joyous and Social Call. The fair winds down Saturday with the fireman’s parade, starting 5:30 p.m. Steel Creek Band will take the band shell stage 7-10 p.m.

The annual fireworks display starts 10 p.m. There will be plenty of great vantage points for the display.

I personally thank all the members of our Exchange Club for their time and commitment to making this community- based, family-friendly event the success we all enjoy. Thank you!

On the south end of Canal Street Park, ground breaking for the Riverfront Park is soon to be a reality. Despite the setbacks, I look forward to beginning getting the park laid out and ready for planting, with the assistance of our fine public works personnel.

As I’ve frequently mentioned as my initiative to have the “most picturesque 1.4 miles of the 164-mile Delaware and Lehigh Trail,” the park will feature a variety of colorful plants and foliage to complement the area and bring a beautiful respite for the ever-growing number of travelers along the trail.

It’s time to introduce a September initiative I have in the works, led by our police department’s bike patrol - the first Mayor’s Bike Run, a casual, family-centric bicycle ride along the D&L Trail.

Our initial plans are to have this event start at one of the pavilions at Canal Street Park, continue north to the Treichler’s Bridge trailhead, then back to the park for a light picnic. I will keep you informed through my Mayor Tony - Northampton, PA Facebook page.

Outside of the fun of biking along the trail, my goal is to showcase our bike patrol and enhance our one-to-one, community relations with our fine police department. It’s very important to me that we teach our youth the value and humanity of a dedicated, professional police force.

Yes, we’re going to have hiccups along the way in town with graffiti, noise complaints, late-night fireworks and more, but I personally guarantee for every action that breaks the peace in Northampton, our police force is reacting to resolve these situations in the timeliest and most professional manner possible.

As a law will dictate, while some issues take longer to resolve than our patience allows, know there is much more behind-the-scenes police activity happening than you realize. Police Chief Bryan Kadingo and I often promote, “No drama, just results.”

With that said, get those biking legs in shape and plan to join us for this fun day out along the Lehigh River.

Enjoy your pools, picnics at our fine parks and each other’s company, but please be safe, respectful and, above all, thankful for all of the great liberties and freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

PRESS FILE PHOTO Anthony Pristash