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EHS names student of the week

Q. In what grade are you currently enrolled?

A. I graduated June 11 from Emmaus High School.

Q. Please provide the first names of your family members: parents, siblings and pets.

A. My parents are Steve and Nichole Harris, I have my older sister Sophia and my younger brother Benjamin. I also have three cats, Tinsel, Fizzy and Toad.

Q. What was your favorite subject? Why?

A. I loved my physics classes. They were such amazing classes to go to every day. I had a lot of great friends there and my teachers were amazing. I liked physics the best though since it has a little bit of everything since it is the foundation of most sciences.

Q. Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A. I earned my Bronze and Silver Awards with Girl Scouts and I received an award for orchestra. In addition, I was an honors graduate.

Q. Were you involved in any extracurricular activities? How did being involved in these organizations impact your high school experience?

A. I was part of the school’s orchestra where I played the cello. Orchestra was probably my other favorite class. Mrs. Arnold is amazing and taught us all at the middle schools too, so we were lucky to have her for seven years. It was always such an amazing place to come to. I was also a part of National Honor Society. Out of school I ride horses (not since before the school year though due to a concussion I got on the second day of school that won’t go away) and I am a part of Girl Scouts, which I have been with since I was in kindergarten.

Q. What do you consider your biggest challenge to date?

A. My concussion was probably one of my biggest challenges. I only had two days of school before I got it and ended up missing a significant portion of the school year. I was so behind in everything and spent my holiday breaks watching hours of Zoom recordings and math and science videos on YouTube. I missed out on so much time with my friends and I felt like I really lost my senior year, but I eventually got caught up and was able to enjoy the last month or two of school.

Q. What is your next goal after high school?

A. I feel nowhere near ready to be an adult, so I don’t really know what I want to do. I am attending Kutztown for physics/ engineering next year though and I am hoping to get a masters in something more specific after. Other than that, I don’t really know where I want to end up.

Q. Whom do you admire? Why?

A. I admire my mom. She is able to handle everyone’s everything and still appears to have it all under control, which I cannot do.

Q. For what would you like to be remembered?

A. I don’t really know. I just want to be known as a good person.

Q. Do you have any advice for your peers?

A. Don’t stress over things too much. It is not worth it and it will all end up ok. Is it really worth worrying about if it’s not going to matter in 10 years or if there is nothing you can do about it?