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Kindergartner helps ill kids with hair donation


Special to The Press

Liam Frisch of Heidelberg Township, a kindergarten student in Carolann Green’s class at Northwestern Elementary, will attend first grade in the fall.

A member of Cub Scout Pack 588, Liam plays lacrosse, enjoys art and video games, and playing outside.

Right after the COVID-19 pandemic, he started growing out his hair.

Soon after, he learned there were sick kids who can’t grow their own hair, and it became his mission to donate his hair to Locks of Love.

According to the Locks of Love website, “Locks of Love is devoted to helping every child suffering from medical hair loss, thus we do not discriminate as to the cause of hair loss.”

Liam Frisch, a kindergarten student at Northwestern Elementary, started growing his hair out after the COVID-19 pandemic. Soon after, he learned that there were kids who couldn't grow their own hair, and it became his mission to donate his hair.
Liam Frisch decided it was finally time for a haircut to help kids who can't grow their own hair. He wanted his friends to see his new look before the last day of school. This reflection shows Liam and his barber at City Cuts Barber Shop in Kutztown. Story and additional photos appear on page A8. PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY BRITTANY FRISCH
Liam Frisch with his barber at City Cuts Barber Shop in Kutztown getting his hair cut. PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY BRITTANY FRISCH
Liam Frisch donated 12 inches of his hair to Locks of Love.
Liam Frisch shows off his new look.