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Heidelberg Union Church celebrates federation


Special to The Press

“Fly: Daring New Heights” was the theme of the June 4 service celebrating the federation of Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and United Church of Christ at Heidelberg Union Church.

During the federation celebration, the church welcomed Pastor Emerita the Rev. Karen Yonney and Pastor Emeritus the Rev. David Hess to their congregation.

The Rev. Hess has a long history with the church having been installed as pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1973. He is credited for several improvements to the church, from a playground to the website.

The Rev. Yonney became pastor of the United Church of Christ Congregation of Heidelberg Union Church on July 25, 2005. Along with the Rev. Hess, she led Heidelberg Union Church for more than 10 years.

State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-187th, sent a proclamation from the House of Representative congratulating everyone on the federation.

Heidelberg Handbell Choir began the service by performing “Procession of Praise.”

Hymns, reflecting a message of growth and moving forward by following the chosen path of God, were performed throughout the celebration.

In her address to the newly formed congregation, Penn Northeast Conference Minister the Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates reflected on what they had been learning about the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly, and what it represents.

“Our relationship with Jesus transforms us into something we hadn’t plan to be before,” she explained. “We’re empowered and fulfilled with grace to seek not only our own liberation but the liberation of our friends as well.”

She concluded, “Transformation for a butterfly and for us isn’t easy.”

The celebration ended with a special and symbolic release, but not of butterflies.

Suzanne Evans decided rather than release butterflies, which are not ready to be released during this time period, beneficial lacey moths were chosen.

She explained to The Press, “it’s a completely different type of insect, but it is also a pollinator. So, the adult life stage, which we just released, will fly around and its more nocturnal. So at night, it flies around and gets pollen and nectar, and will feed.”

PRESS PHOTOS BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE Lea Wetzel, Adam Fink, Morgan Mahoney, Amelia, Alice Hoban and Samantha Hoban joined in the June 4 celebration of the federation of Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and United Church of Christ.
PRESS PHOTOS BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE The Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates, Penn Northeast Conference minister, presents the Rev. Karen Yonney with a proclamation declaring her pastor emeritus.
Kathleen Tigerman, director of Evangelical Mission, Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, presents the Rev. David Hess with a proclamation declaring him pastor emeritus.
The Rev. Karen Yonney and the Rev. David Hess release beneficial lacey moths.