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Final committee meetings of 2022-23

In the final school board committees meeting of the 2022-23 school year June 19, members passed the new he budget with no tax increases for residents. This is the fourth year without any tax increases. Retiring Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy complimented and thanked the board saying, “You’ve passed a great budget.”

The board then reviewed 38 separate topics that will be on the June 26 regular school district meeting agenda. The board does not meet in July so plans for the payment of bills, invoices and budget transfers to close the 2022-23 fiscal year was discussed. Many of the district’s contracts are renewable at the end of each fiscal year, making it necessary to renew for the next school year before the summer July break. This includes contracts for copy machines, document imaging, website platform conversion, student lab computers, custodial and staff computers, Chromebook security, and getting rid /disposal of obsolete equipment. and educational plus renewal.

Also, vehicle and workers comp insurance, student accident insurance, medical and dental contracts. Contracts for professional social work services and curriculum that had been previously reviewed will be on the June 26 agenda.

Lastly, vehicle maintenance, purchase as well as transportation agreements, and vehicle leases will be on the agenda.

The board agreed that these 38 topics often behind the scenes but are essential features of a complete education. School Director Winston Alozie pointed out that “It costs money to educate kids.” The board will have its regular school board meeting on June 26 7 p.m. at East Hills MS.