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How much have increasing housing costs affected you?

“We've had to have more conversations when we're planning other things. I also left my staff nursing position to do higher paying travel nursing.” Nicole Borger Leesport
“I know a lot of friends who rent or live at home, and can't buy a home.” Missy Kiralfy Emmaus
“Coming from Philadelphia we feel renting here makes us lucky. The cost of living here is manageable compared to living in Philadelphia.” Carey Sharkey Bethlehem
“As a realtor, in one specific instance a home listed at $275,000 had 37 offers with 11 of them $25,000 higher and 6 over $40,000 higher. It's important to understand the market. You need to stay patient and optimistic.” Kelsey Carney Upper Black Eddy
“We're college students and we haven't had any increases. But, I'm aware that it's a very competitive situation off campus.” Ethan Santalone Carmel, NY
“Somewhat. During the pandemic we started working from home so our comfortable home got a little too tight. With housing costs the way they are, we're looking to add on instead of relocating.” Nina Hernandez Philadelphia