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GUEST VIEW AAA reminds motorists: Don’t drive intoxicated. Don’t drive intexticated

Distracted driving continues to be a danger to everyone on U.S. roads.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that nearly 30,000 motorists died in distracted-driving crashes between 2012 and 2020.

Distracted Driving Awareness Month was recognized in April and AAA East Central reminds motorists no life is worth losing to distraction and encourages them to remain focused on the road ahead to save lives.

“Distracted driving has become one of the most dangerous risks on the nation’s roads, endangering not only the distracted motorist, but also passengers, pedestrians and other roadway users,” said Theresa Podguski, director of legislative affairs, AAA East Central. “Any distraction, whether texting or talking to a passenger, takes a motorist’s attention away from the road and can have deadly consequences.”

Don’t Drive Intoxicated. Don’t Drive Intexticated is AAA East Central’s ongoing initiative to end distracted driving.

The campaign reminds motorists that the consequences of alcohol-impaired driving and distracted driving can be equally devastating.

While many may think distractions are limited to cellphones, they also include eating, changing music, adjusting the vehicle’s navigation system, talking to other passengers and any other distractions that take attention away from driving.

Many motorists are guilty of a “double standard” when it comes to distracted driving.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s 2021 Traffic Safety Culture Index found that while 96 percent of motorists believed it was very or extremely dangerous to text or email while driving, nearly four out of 10 drivers admitted to doing so within the previous 30 days.

To avoid distractions

•Put aside electronic devices. Put smartphones away, turn them to airplane mode or activate “do not disturb” call/text blocking features.

•Prepare for the drive. Set vehicle systems like GPS, seats, mirrors, climate controls and sound systems before hitting the road.

•Groom before leaving the house. Don’t use time behind the wheel to fix hair or makeup. This can be a deadly decision.

•Stay focused. Be sure to actively scan the road, use mirrors and watch for pedestrians and cyclists.

•Secure items. Properly secure items, children and pets that can move around the vehicle and become a distraction.

•Be mindful of passengers. If there are passengers in the vehicle, enlist their help as a “designated texter.” Ask them to answer calls, respond to texts and program the navigation.

•Be a good passenger. Offer to assist the driver, and don’t distract them.

For more information, visit AAA.com/DontDriveDistracted.


Editor’s note: AAA East Central is a not-for-profit association with 70 local offices in Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia serving 2.7 million members.