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The Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit VBS: On a Roll with God

The Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit, Emmaus, recently hosted Vacation Bible School for children of the church and community. The theme was Food Truck Party: On a Roll with God. The children, known as chefs, learned important lessons about God's ability to provide. Each day the chefs were introduced to a daily special. The daily specials from each day formed the words to a familiar mealtime prayer. A highlight of the week was a visit from Kona Ice. The children collected boxed pasta and canned fruit for the food pantry at Grace Lutheran Church, Macungie and new stuffed animals for the pediatric same day surgery unit at Lehigh Valley Health Network. RIGHT: Emilia and Elijah Socrates receive their ice from the Kona Ice food truck, which came by to provide a special treat for the VBS participants and volunteers. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS
Katelyn Grubb, Weston Binkley, Naomi Campbell and Sarah Grubb drop off their donations of stuffed animals and food for the VBS mission project.
Alexa Steigerwalt, Hannah Schmoyer, Bella Cachiguango, Mackenzie Leister, Hailey Grubb and Emma Nesfeder prepare to act out the story of the day.