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Northampton church holds 100th anniversary celebration

Bishop Alfred Schlert, of Allentown Diocese, was on hand June 17 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, 2181 Washington Ave., Northampton.

The event was held at Northampton Banquet and Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave.

Slovak immigrants settled around Northampton in 1880. They faced challenges trudging to hear Mass in their native tongue at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church in Bethlehem.

As the Slovak Catholic population grew in Northampton, so did the desire for their own church. Their first Catholic Mass was celebrated in Laubach’s Hall near the current Cementon Bridge. The desire for a Northampton church motivated the Slovak Catholics to search for a church location.

The goal was to establish a parish called Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Church hierarchy granted permission to build a church at 22nd Street and Washington Avenue.

The Rev. Andrew Fekety became the first pastor June 19, 1922. This date marks the birth of the parish. Parish preparations began immediately for the first Holy Communion class. The church cornerstone was placed in 1923. The rectory was built in 1924. Land for a cemetery was purchased in 1926. The parish then focused on erecting the upper church. In 1929, this was completed.

The Rev. Michael Messaros, the third pastor, directed the 1962 renovation of the church interior, installation of stained-glass windows and air conditioning and the rebuilding of the front and rear steps before the parish’s 50th anniversary in 1972.

The Rev. Stephen Radocha became the fifth pastor in 1992. Renovations to the church, including an elevator, social hall renovation and the installation of stained glass front doors, were completed for the 75th anniversary.

In 2017, Monsignor Thomas Koons became the eighth pastor of the parish. Koons led the parish through the COVID-19 pandemic. To mark the 100th anniversary, Koons updated the interior of the church.

The parish’s ninth pastor will be officially installed June 27. The Rev. Patrick Lamb is also the pastor at Queenship of Mary Church in Northampton. The two parishes will maintain their separate parish identities and finances but will share a pastor.

On the 100th anniversary celebration, all eight pastors that served the parish, the Sisters of St. Francis, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the catechists who educated parish children and the religious education program were honored.

The event center was filled June 17 to celebrate, with music, dancing and refreshments. Music was provided the Naturalistix. Schlert, Koons and Radocha were in attendance.

Northampton Mayor Anthony Pristash was present to welcome all to the celebration. Edward Hozza, of Whitehall, chaired the committee that organized the celebration.

Bishop Alfred Schlert and Monsignors Thomas Koons and Stephen Radocha celebrate the 100th anniversary of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church June 17 at Northampton Banquet and Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave.
The event center is full of attendees celebrating the church's milestone.
PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR. The Naturalistix entertain at the event.