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Liberty grad tab captions

Madi Knepp will attend Moravian University for nursing; Sarah Fitzpatrick is heading to Rider University to major in criminal justice; Jazmyne Frack is headed to Kean University to major in physical education.
During commence- ment Wilany Martinez waves to a familiar face in the stands at Stabler Arena.
Briana Traca with her parents. She will attend the University of Pittsburgh and major in psychology.
Grenadier Band bagpiper Julia LoConte's family knows she'll be successful attending the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to study education.
Caitlin Ohl is attending the University of Pittsburgh for business studies and Loralei Burch will study journalism at Penn State University.
Liomary Santana will attend Northampton Community College to become a teacher. Her family knows she'll be a success.
Noemi Rodas with her family. She will attend Northampton Community College to study culinary arts.