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Salisbury High School announces academic and service awards

Salisbury High School presented its academic awards in a recent ceremony.


The School Board Representative Award: Kendall Schaffer

The Robert R. Gross III Leadership Award: Katie Updegrove

The Robert R. Gross III “Never Give Up” Award: Dawsyn Garfunkel

The Pat Tillman Leadership Award: Jordan Tocci

The Mark Turbedsky Award: Katelyn Smith


Scott Atiyeh Memorial Scholarship Award: Emma Martinez

Marsie Barth Memorial Scholarship Award: Elizabeth Sterner

Jenn’s House, Inc. Scholarship Awards in Memory of Patricia A. Dillman and Jennifer Joy Dillman: Claudia Molina, Alexis Stroble

Andy Doran Memorial Scholarship Award: Jacob Gibbons

Gaylord Griffiths Memorial Scholarship Award: Ella DeFazio

Michele Honochick Memorial Scholarship Award: Katelyn Smith

Randy Kreig Memorial Scholarship Award: Deora Jackson

Colin Geoffrey Ottinger Memorial Soccer Scholarship Award: Noah Kichline

Jocelyn Scholz Memorial Scholarship Award: Isabella Natosi

Zack Strauss Memorial Scholarship Award: John Samy

David Todd Smith Memorial Scholarship Awards: Angela Bitar, Hannah Kamp

Frank Yelinko Memorial Scholarship Awards: Hannah Kamp, Jordan Tocci


ART - Outstanding Art Student: Haylee Silberman

ENGLISH - Outstanding Language Arts Student: Grace Kelly

Student Press Award for Newspaper: Destynie Lichtenwalner

Student Press Award for Yearbook: Isabel Gualano

Drama Awards: Mia Bernard, Isabella Natosi

Golden Paintbrush Award: Grace Spellacy


Outstanding Business Student: Olivia Ringholm

Outstanding Family and Consumer Science Student: Katie Updegrove

Outstanding Textiles Student: Stuart Carl


Outstanding Health and Physical Education Students: Angela Bitar, Toby Linn

MATH - Outstanding Math Student: Noah Kichline

MUSIC - Patrick Gilmore Band Award: Makenzie Ehrie

Fred Waring Director’s Awards for Chorus: Karina Hernandez, Mikayla Lighting, Katelyn Smith

National School Choral Awards: Mia Bernard, Grace Spellacy

SCIENCE - Outstanding Science Student: Noah Kichline

SOCIAL STUDIES - Outstanding Social Studies Student: Jackson Kramp

WORLD LANGUAGES - Outstanding German Student: Elizabeth Sterner

Outstanding Spanish Student: Noah Kichline



Essay Scholarship Awards: Jacob Gibbons, Katelyn Smith, Elizabeth Sterner, Jordan Tocci

Falcon Awards: Hannah Kamp, Noah Kichline

Scholar Athletes: Ella DeFazio, Jackson Kramp

Class of 2011 Scholarship Award: Dawsyn Garfunkel

Dwight D. Eisenhower Outstanding Leader of Character Award: Jacob Knerr

Fearless Fire Company #14 Football Scholarship: Nicholas Beck

Jennifer Joy Dillman Scholarship Award: Mia Bernard

Lehigh Carbon Community College Foundation Scholarship: Olivia Barndt

National Honor Society Award: Ella DeFazio

National Honor Society Scholarship Award: Noah Kichline

Pennsylvania Wrestling Coaches’ Association Academic All Stars: Jakub Gloc, Toby Linn, John Samy

The Rensselaer Medal: Jacob Knerr

The Rochester Institute of Technology Science & Math Award: Jacob Knerr

Art & Design Award: Laurans Trinh

Humanities & Social Science Award: George Spann

Women In STEM Award: Macy Newman

Salisbury Education Foundation Scholarship Awards: Damian Emerich, Olivia Ringholm

Salisbury Twirling Booster Award: Alexis Stroble

Salisbury Twirling Booster Scholarship: Isabel Gualano

St. Luke’s Sports Medicine Scholarships: Samantha Gibisser, Kendal Schaffer

U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Awards: Ella DeFazio, Noah Kichline

U.S. Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award: Jackson Kramp

School Board President Christopher Freas presents the School Board Representative Award to Kendall Schaffer. PRESS PHOTOS BY NOLAN GREJDA
Director of Student Activities Monica Deeb presents athletic accomplishment awards.
Ella DeFazio begins to walk on stage to accept one of the many awards she earned that night.
Salisbury High School teacher Tanya Kennedy presents the Outstanding Social Studies Student Award.
Senior Noah Kichline accepts the Colin Geoffrey Ottinger Memorial Soccer Scholarship Award.
Salisbury High School Assistant Principal Ryan Yurchick presents the Dwight D. Eisenhower Outstanding Leader of Character Award.
Laurans Trinh, George Spann, Macy Newman and Jacob Knerr accept an award and a scholarship for the Rochester Institute of Technology.
National Honor Society volunteers Cameron Kubinsky, Claire Nichols and Ava Smarch are holding the final programs for the night.