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Grant application filed for crosswalks

Macungie Borough Council held its regularly scheduled meeting June 19 at Macungie Institute where the crosswalk issue was discussed.

A grant application was filed through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for four crosswalks at Race, Pine, Lea and Poplar streets. A suggestion was made to try and add three additional crosswalks at Brookdale, Cotton and Chestnut streets. Due to the upcoming deadline, it was decided to let these go for now.

Macungie Park is into the season of heavy usage. It is important to know the park depends on events and donations to keep it operable. Expenses include maintenance and operation of the pool, maintenance and repairs of the playground, grounds, bathrooms and other overhead expenses. Events such as cruise nights (June 24, Aug. 19, Sept. 9 and Oct. 21), Das Awkscht Fescht (refreshment stand Aug. 4-5), Mustang Car Show (Aug. 12), Corvette Car Show (Sept. 10), Wheels of Time (refreshment stand Aug. 25-26) and two dog shows (refreshment stand Sept. 16-17 and Oct. 6-8). To volunteer, contact Diane Angermeier at 610-967-1531 or email drang@ptd.net. There is a great need for volunteers.

Council said they are waiting for audit results from the Macungie Volunteer Fire Department. The fire department is hiring an outside agency to complete this task.

There is a problem with trash collection at Macungie Institute. Public works dug up grass on the side of the building and put down stone to accommodate the trash collection process. It is public works’ responsibility to pick up the trash and deposit it in the borough’s dumpster.

Macungie Institute Director Darlene Misselbeck said the trash gets a little full when there is a weekend with three events. She also said she never authorized digging up the grass and adding stone. There was a suggestion to add a dumpster but it was not approved as the cost is too much.

Council made the suggestion to return the area to its original state. It was suggested Whitetail pick up trash at the building but it was decided public works will continue to pick up the trash.

There will be a message board added to the front of the Macungie Institute for public messages.

A request was made to clean sediment out of the Glenwood detention pond The cost will be $1,100. This was approved.

Celebration Fireworks applied for a fireworks display which was approved.

Resolution 2023-03 was approved which involved authorizing signatories for the Hickory Street Bridge and South Church Street project.

Stone Hill Meadows personnel attended the meeting to discuss and get approval for new plans to address water problems. Several parties are instrumental in these plans – Lower Macungie Township, Macungie Borough, Lehigh County Conservation District, Allen Organ and Stone Hill Meadows. With this discussion in mind, it was noted Allen Organ did not attend. It was also noted the new plans were not presented to council until recently.

After some heated conversations, Council President Ron Karposki asked to table the decision on the new plans as this is a difficult problem. It was met with adverse input from the Stone Hill personnel. Council voted four in favor and two opposed (Carl Sell and Greg Hutchison). Karposki said he is responsible for the residents of the borough and the plans need careful scrutiny.

An executive session was held for real estate, legal and personnel issues.