Coplay: Summer concerts continue
Coplay’s Wednesday night summer series continues 6-9 p.m. at the borough’s Community Plaza, North Second and Chestnut streets.
The schedule includes A Pair of Aardvarks July 5 and Third Hand Trio July 19.
If you are a 2023 high school graduate planning to attend college, university, trade school or the police academy, consider applying for a Coplay Scholarship Fund scholarship.
To get an application, send an email to
Coplay Senior Citizens meets 1 p.m. the first and third Wednesdays at the Coplay Fire Hall building, 165 Cherry St. Doors open noon.
Membership is open to all Lehigh Valley seniors.
Call Dale at 610-262-5464 to join or for more information.
American Club of Coplay, 300 Cherry St., continues to offer its monthly hoagie sales. Hoagies (regular or tuna) and sandwiches (ham and cheese or tuna) are available.
Call 610-261-2884 for the cost and to order, or order online via email to
The Coplay Community Days committee is already planning an exciting 2023 event.
The Aardvarks are scheduled for Aug. 25. This will be the group’s 10th anniversary at the event.
The committee is also expanding its kids activities over the weekend.
The committee meets 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of every month in council chambers at Coplay Borough Hall, 98 S. Fourth St. Meetings are open to the public.
Coplay Fire Department reminds residents a fire doubles in size every 30 seconds.
If you have a fire hydrant on your property, clear snow around the hydrant during the winter, so the fire department can locate it quickly to rapidly extinguish the fire.
Aerobic exercise is held 8:45 a.m. Saturdays and 7 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at borough hall. A small fee is charged for the session.
Call the borough office at 610-262-6088 with questions.
Coplay Food Bank, located in the lower level of borough hall, is open 8:30-10 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month.
If unable to attend the scheduled Tuesday morning time frame, call Jodi at 610-262-0928 to make other arrangements.
The food bank needs coffee, spaghetti sauce and noodles, canned pasta and rice pouches.
To have an announcement or to share something in this column, email or text 610-751-2745.