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Borough thanks junior member

For the past two years, recent Northampton Area High School graduate Ryleigh Tillotson has served as Northampton Borough Council’s junior council member. She was an asset to council, its members agreed, by putting forth suggestions for them to consider and providing insight into the workings of the student body at the high school.

Council expressed gratitude for her efforts.

Mayor Tony Pristash provided Tillotson a certificate of appreciation and declared June 16, 2023, Ryleigh Tillotson Day in Northampton Borough.

Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst, in his report, thanked Tillotson for her service to council. He gave her a gift from council.

Stephanie Drake, of Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, was on hand to present a distinguished service award to Tillotson. Drake said PSAB promotes councils in Pennsylvania to consider appointing high school-aged students to a junior council member position.

Tillotson was appointed by council as a junior member Sept. 2, 2021. Although she was limited to an advisory role, council referred to her as the “ninth council member.”

Arriving to council as a junior at NAHS, Tillotson was an academic advanced placement and honors student. She was a member of the varsity cheerleading squad at NAHS.

Tillotson was also on a competitive cheerleading squad that has garnered competition awards. Additionally, she coaches the junior cheerleading squad at Northampton Athletic Association.

During her application process in 2021, Tillotson said what attracted her to apply for the junior council role was the chance “to do things to make things better for people my age and get more kids involved in the town.” She noted she “loves Northampton.”

Tillotson said her experiences as a junior council member have enriched her life and taught her many things that she will employ during her future endeavors. She noted she is grateful for the experience on council and at NAHS and living in Northampton.

Tillotson said she is interested in politics but not elected politics, explaining her interest is in governmental policy initiatives. In 2021, Tillotson said her goal as a junior council member was to relay issues she hears in the community to council to help get issues resolved.

She plans to continue her academic endeavors at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Also at the meeting, council approved a request from St. Peter Roman Catholic Church in Coplay to use the borough’s portable band shell Aug. 6, with a fee waiver, for its annual picnic on the church grounds. The church will pay a delivery and setup fee of $150.

Evan Medlar, a current part-time Northampton police officer, upon the recommendation of police Chief Bryan Kadingo, was appointed to the position of full-time police officer, effective July 3.

In other news, the Northampton Area School District guidance office provided two nominations for a scholarship award. Courtney Dorsey and Kira Sanders, recommended by NASD, were awarded scholarships by the police fishing contest committee. Both plan to pursue a career in criminal justice.

In Councilwoman Judy Haldeman’s building, land and recreation report, she noted the Northampton Municipal Pool opening went smoothly.

Under his administration and finance report, Councilman Kenneth Hall reported NASD Superintendent Joseph Kovalchik and 43 members of the school district staff toured Atlas Cement Company Memorial Museum. Also touring during June were the manager and staff of Heidelberg Materials Company, formerly Essroc of Nazareth. Sallyann Madden, Edward Pany and Larry Oberly were the tour guides.

It was reported the River Central steering committee recently met in preparation for a final vote, perhaps in July or August, on the comprehensive plan. The five municipalities of River Central are Northampton, Catasauqua and North Catasauqua boroughs and East Allen and Hanover (Lehigh County) townships. Council expects to vote on the plan at its upcoming meeting July 20.

The next council meeting will be 7 p.m. July 6. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit YouTube and search Northampton Borough Council to access the meeting.

PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Stephanie Drake, of Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, presents an award to Ryleigh Tillotson, Northampton Borough junior council member, for her excellent service to council and Northampton.