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Bath Borough Council OKs study of state police services

At the June 5 Bath Borough Council meeting, council voted unanimously to approve the Bath Police Services Study Community Survey.

When council changed police services from Colonial Regional Police Department to Pennsylvania State Police-Troop M, Bethlehem, in July 2018, council said a review including resident input of the police services to the borough would occur.

Many Bath Borough leaders, Manager Brad Flynn and Mayor Fiorella Reginelli-Mirabito have expressed continued satisfaction with the PSP services provided to Bath.

Bath police services have evolved over time from the former Bath Borough Police Department to Colonial Regional Police Department to PSP. The change to state police coverage occurred due to reported rising costs.

Part of the initial meetings and understandings was the PSP services would be evaluated after five years by the elected leaders with resident input. The 2023 evaluation is expected to be completed by summer’s end.

In other business, Anthony Kovalovsky, of Bath Borough Fire Department, gave a brief fire department report. He said there were 32 fire calls in May, and total fire department calls for 2023 is 127.

Reginelli-Mirabito provided accolades to Bath Republican Club for a $1,500 donation for benches at the borough’s Paw Park.

She also noted PSP is making progress on the investigation of the discharge of firearms in the borough in early February 2023. She added she will be attending, on behalf of the borough, the annual Pennsylvania State Mayor’s Association conference in Lancaster this July.

Councilwoman Phyllis Andrews, environmental steering committee leader, reported a recycling day for Bath residents only is 9-11 a.m. June 24. Contact the borough office for more details.

Under the public works and facilities committee, it was noted a successful truck repair was completed.

The public safety report included the vandalism that occurred at Ciff Cowling Park threatens to possibly close the park.

Council passed several resolutions. Resolution 2023-005 amends the borough council articles of decorum and rules of order. Resolution 2023-006 temporarily suspends the open container rules in specific areas. This is being done to assist the upcoming Spuds Light event, set for 1-6 p.m. June 24 at Ciff Cowling Field, 100 Allen St.

Resolution 2023-007 appointed Beth Beers to fill an opening on the zoning hearing board.

Council also approved to advertise an ordinance that implements an accessible parking space at 142 Washington St.

All resolutions and ordinances are available by contacting the borough office.

Other council actions included approving the federal American Rescue Plan Act funds from the general fund into an escrow account in the amount of $279,694. The borough’s special accountants firm, Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC, will review anticipated expenditures from the escrow account.

Council also approved the transfer of $500,000 from the tax account to the general fund for the purposes of funding municipal operations.

The next council meeting is 6 p.m. July 10. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit bathborough.org to access the meeting call-in numbers.