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Board hears trash pickup concerns

At the May 17 Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting, two residents approached council to complain about garbage pickup by JP Mascaro.

Hanover Township is contracted with Mascaro to provide garbage and recycling pickup for its residents. Garbage and recycling are reportedly to be picked up separately and not combined in a single pickup.

The residents said Mascaro was picking up garbage and recycling at the same time with the same truck. The residents recorded a video of the pickup and contacted the township office.

Township Manager Melissa Wehr reported several other garbage pickup complaints had been received by the township office. She followed up with Mascaro, which explained how they pick up recycling. The company reportedly assured Wehr they pick up garbage and recycling on different pickup runs. Wehr said she also video-recorded the non-contractual, dual refuse pickups.

When the Mascaro representative was informed of the video, they “profusely apologized” for the situation and pledged to correct matters, according to Mascaro. The representative did ask Wehr to inform residents that if there is any garbage, even a small amount, in their recycling bin, Mascaro must dispose it as garbage, not recycling.

The two residents also requested the township website be updated. Wehr said she is in the process of improving the township website.

Additionally, Wehr noted National Police Week was May 14-20. Letters of appreciation were sent out to local law enforcement departments thanking them for their service to keep communities safe.

She added National Public Works Week was scheduled for May 21-27. The Hanover Township Public Works Department, Wehr said, has collectively 99 years of successfully serving the township.

Wehr concluded her report saying the township continues to seek a third code enforcement officer. Interested applicants can contact the township office at 610-264-1069.

There was a discussion on the River Central draft plan that is currently out for public comment. It is expected the comprehensive plan developed by five municipalities will be finalized and adopted late this summer. Wehr noted the draft plan can be found online at planrivercentral.org.

Council Chairman Bruce Paulus requested a paper copy be provided to all council members. Paulus recommended interested residents access the plan on the River Central website to learn about or provide any comments they might have.

Council held a hearing on bill 2023-03, an ordinance amending chapter 16 of the township statutory code to add a new section that establishes rules and regulations for the use of the portion of the D&L Trail located in Hanover Township. It prohibits the use of motorized vehicles, fire, cooking, consumption of alcoholic beverages, obstructions, entering or exiting at unauthorized points, solicitation, weapons, disorderly conduct, environmental disturbance, regulates animals, special events and fixes penalties for rules violation.

Council introduced bill 2023-04, which, if adopted, deletes the conflicting 30-day and 120-day maximum periods for special sign permits and establishes a 60-day maximum period for an individual permit.

The next Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting is set for 7 p.m. June 7 at the municipal building, 2202 Grove Road. The meeting is in-person only.