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Bids rejected for bridge maintenance project

At the June 1 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting, the commissioners rejected a bid for maintenance on three area bridges. The bridges at Smith Lane, Camp Olympic and Ash Lane are due for coating. The lowest bid received was for $753,000 from Titan Industrial Services. The budgeted amount is for $285,310. Further research will be conducted to seek alternatives for the bridge maintenance.

The stormwater issue at 3101 Macungie Road is still being researched.

Bids were considered for the MS4 project which includes swales at Wild Cherry Lane, a rear property line on Princeton Road and a basin at Harvest Fields. The low bid was received from Lawrence Site Contractors for $174,728. This was approved by commissioners.

Resolution 2023-35 for a deed of dedication for the property at 1900 Mill Creek Road, formerly owned by Lehigh County Authority, was approved. The property had a pump station on it which has been removed. The 1.1 acre of land will be used for open space, recreation and park land.

A resident has requested a memorial tree with a plaque be placed on the pathway around the Lower Macungie Library in memory of her late husband who died in November 2022. Bruce Trotter was a teacher and football coach in the Lehigh Valley. This was approved.

An executive session was held over pending litigation.