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Emmaus honors the fallen in annual Memorial Day ceremony

Emmaus held Memorial Day observances at the Memorial Triangle, where Fourth and Third streets converge, May 29. The annual ceremony traditionally follows the Memorial Day parade. RIGHT: Jason Smith is the master of ceremonies at the annual Memorial Day observance in Emmaus.
Scouts salute as the Emmaus High School Green Hornet Marching Band plays the national anthem.
Colyer James honors prisoners of war and missing in action during the ceremony.
Crowds line the route to the Memorial Triangle in Emmaus May 29.
Elena Smith attends the Memorial Day ceremony at the Memorial Triangle.
Veteran Randy Schueck Jr. is among the featured speakers at the Memorial Day ceremony in Emmaus.
Veteran Eugene Sell speaks about his experiences in the armed forces.
Press Photos by C. Richard Chartrand David Bocchino reads the names of veterans who have died since the 2022 ceremony.
Greg Walls rings the bell as each name of those veterans who died since the 2022 ceremony is read aloud.
Veteran John Eyer is among the featured speakers at the annual Memorial Day observance in Emmaus May 29.
The Rev. Dr. Paul W. Knappenberger, senior pastor of St John's United Church of Christ, Emmaus, gives the invocation and benediction.