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Crosswalk safety addressed in Macungie

Macungie Borough Council met June 5 where discussion was held regarding crosswalk safety.

Macungie Borough Council President Ron Karboski said the “Safe Passage” initiative is mutli-faceted with design improvements at crosswalks along with ongoing police enforcement targeting crosswalks.

There will be improvements to the crosswalk warning signs by allowing pedestrians to operate a user-activated crossing system. The system, upon activation, will blink lights on the crosswalk warning signs to warn drivers a pedestrian is about to cross.

“This will be extremely beneficial for our resident walkers who cross Main Street at dusk,” Karboski said.

Stan Wojciechowski from Barry Isett and Associates Engineering along with Borough Manager John Brown will be coordinating the designs and construction.

Funding for the “Safe Passage” initiative will come specifically from the Automated Red-Light Enforcement grant.

There are four crosswalks on Main Street.

During street sweeping times, “no parking” signs are posted on borough streets. Street sweeping occurs but around the parked cars. Ticketing will occur in the future so sweeping can be performed properly.

A resident complained about her water bill. The usage has been going up and there is no explanation. The Lehigh Water Authority was contacted but the resident never received a response. This has been going on for four months. A water operator will be contacted to investigate the problem.

Carl Sell was appointed to the planning commission. His term will expire March 31, 2026.

Stonehill Meadows Emergency Access Stormwater improvements are being developed. Council is seeking bigger plans, drainage maps and drainage calculations as well as improvement on the swale at Allen Organ. This should be ready by the next council meeting.

PPL submitted a letter stating work will begin on a transmission line in the borough. This will involve replacing poles and new wiring. Heavy equipment will be used as well as helicopters. This work will begin in July and continue through August 2026.

An executive session was held regarding real estate, legal and personnel issues.