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School board OKs agreements

On May 22, Whitehall-Coplay School Board held its regular meeting.

The executive committee’s request for property assessment agreements was approved. The properties are 1541 Alta Drive, Whitehall, further identified as parcel ID 549769847523; and 1937 Macarthur Road, Whitehall, identified as parcel ID 549861889069 1.

Other executive committee matters included a motion to approve a grievance settlement agreement between Whitehall-Coplay School District and Whitehall-Coplay Education Association with respect to grievance 2022-2023-002, relating to the implementation of the early retirement incentive plan.

The board also approved job descriptions for the position of support staff PIMS/child accounting coordinator and student information system/data coordinator.

The board read and approved several second readings of policies regarding home-schooled students and their participation in extracurricular activities, as well as policies affecting the naming of facilities and the use of the facilities and its contents.

Policies regarding pest control and cellphones were also submitted for a second read.

Programs such as PreK Counts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters and Penn State dual enrollment were also approved. These are opportunities and supports for students. Homebound, institutionalized and KidsPeace tutorial students are acknowledged to receive instruction for the provision of education services because they are residents of WCSD.

As is always the case at the end of the school year, teachers and staff support announced their desire for retirement or request transfers within WCSD. These requests are being processed.