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North Catasauqua: Snack stand is open for the summer at North Catasauqua park

The North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park snack and concession stand is now open for the summer at the park, 701 Grove St.

The stand is open weekdays 6-8 p.m. and is operated by the North Catasauqua Recreation Committee.

The stand will remain open through the fall.


The North Catasauqua Recreation Committee has canceled the summer Crafts and Laughs program at the park in the morning and wiffle ball in the afternoon.

The committee was unable to obtain enough staff members to run a full program like in the past. The committee anticipates this will only be a temporary setback for this year and hopes the program will return in the summer of 2024.


Important dates to remember: The 116th anniversary of the incorporation of North Catasauqua Borough is June 11.

Don’t forget to fly your American flag June 14 for Flag Day.

And Father’s Day is June 18.


Suburban North Family YMCA of Catasauqua and Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church invite children of North Catasauqua residents to join the free summer enrichment program for kids.

The program will be held 9 a.m.-noon Mondays through Fridays June 12-July 28 at Catasauqua Park and Playground, 501 American St.

Highlights of the program include daily lunch served 11:30 a.m., weekly themes, special events and a teen mentoring program. Teens interested should contact the YMCA.

This is the first time North Catasauqua residents are invited to join the program. The child must be in kindergarten through sixth grade in the fall of 2023.

Space is limited, and an entry packet must be filled out. Enrollment packets are available at the YMCA, 880 Walnut St., Catasauqua.


The 17th annual North Catasauqua small Town USA Carnival is scheduled for 6-10 p.m. June 14-17 at the park, 701 Grove St.

There will be a food court, games, rides and live music 6:30-9:30 p.m. in the band stand.

Bands include Ricky Smith and The Crush June 14, Third Hand Trio June 15, Waitin’ on Sundown June 16 and Flirtin’ with the Mob June 17.

Specially priced ride wristbands will be available June 15 and 17.

For more information and details, visit the carnival Facebook page - North Catasauqua small Town USA Carnival.


The next North Catasauqua Borough Council meeting will take place 7 p.m. June 19 in the basement-level meeting room at borough hall, 1066 Fourth St.


St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 122 Union St., will be holding its annual summer block party June 22-24. Donations and volunteers are needed.

For more information or to volunteer or donate, call the church office at 610-264-0332.


Friends of the Public Library of Catasauqua and Historic Catasauqua Preservation Association will be hosting a summer pop-up shop and tea party, set for noon-4 p.m. June 25 in the community room at the library, 302 Bridge St.

Come and shop for handmade arts and crafts from local vendors and enjoy a light lunch, which includes soup, tea sandwiches, sweets and beverages.

Reservations for the lunch are recommended at a discounted price, but you can also buy a lunch at the door. There is no charge to browse and shop.

For advanced lunch reservations or to participate as a vendor, email historiccatasauqua@gmail.com or text 610-533-3633.


North Catasauqua Police Department would like to make residents aware of a few safety tips in reference to the use of a pedal cycle on public roadways.

This advice includes wearing a helmet, obeying traffic signs, such as stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, traveling with the flow of traffic, wearing reflective clothing at night or in low-visibility conditions, having reflectors on frame and wheels and equipping your cycle with a white head lamp and red tail lamp for nighttime use.

If you have any questions or would like more information on the traffic law relating to the use of a pedal cycle, refer to the Vehicle Traffic Law Title 75, Section 3504, which can be located at legis.state.pa.us.

Ride safely, and stay hydrated.


If you would like something to be included in the North Catasauqua column, please submit it to me at least two weeks in advance, especially if a certain date is involved with your submission. I can be reached by email at NCataCentennial@aol.com.