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EHS boys lacrosse will graduate 11 seniors

The Emmaus High School boys lacrosse team was under new leadership in 2023, led by first-year head coach Bob Kornicke. He stepped in and continued the winning tradition of Emmaus boys lacrosse and set a new standard for years to come.

“There were a lot of positives this year, beating Freedom and Central Catholic were highlights,” said Kornicke. “Up to the end we were still installing our system and our way of doing things. Next year we will be so much further ahead. Day one, we will have an understanding of how to do things. We can get right into it, which we couldn’t do this year because we had to learn how to work together.”

The Green Hornets finished the year 12-7 overall and 7-2 in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference. They qualified for both the EPC and District 11 3A tournaments, falling in the semifinals of leagues to Parkland and in the quarterfinals of districts to EPC champ, Easton. But there were still plenty of highlights during the year for Emmaus.

“The Freedom win was a really fun night,” Kornicke said. “Nobody expected us to win so decidedly. Besides that, this team was so much fun to be around. The guys liked each other, and we spent so many hours together. It’s been only a few days, but I miss them already.

“Our last moments together were also very special. When we got back from Easton, we went down to a dark Memorial Field to honor our seniors with one last lap. It was emotional, but it was a nice moment of us all together one last time at home.”

In the last game of the year, Emmaus squared up against the Red Rovers in the district quarters on Easton’s home turf, just a few short days after the Rovers won the league championship. It was a tough matchup, one in which the Green Hornets fought hard, but ended up falling just short.

“I was honestly hoping to catch them with a championship hangover,” said Kornicke. “That wasn’t the case. They were still flying high. Typically, the league champ automatically get the first seed in districts. That didn’t happen this year, so they had a quick turnaround. They are a very experienced senior team, and they know what they are doing out there.”

Emmaus has a large group of seniors graduating from the team this year, including 11 players on the roster. That is a large chunk of the 2023 group, one which helped Kornicke set the new standard in the program.

“This senior group set the standards for years to come,” Kornicke said. “I can’t say enough about them and how much they all will be missed. They bought in from day one and really helped us install our system and build our culture. I will never forget what they did for me and this team.”

The Hornets will be bringing back a lot of talent and experience of players that made contributions this season. It should make for another exciting 2024 season, one which they will be competing again for championships.

“We have a lot coming back,” said Kornicke. “We have the best player in the league, Will Barber, returning for his senior season. I can’t wait to see what kind of records he breaks next year. We have our entire defense and goalie back. No one had more saves this year than Sam Rainford, the best goalie in the league. Also returning Michael Chies, first team All EPC LSM, and again, in my opinion the best at his position.

“There are also a ton of guys that will just move up and help us out with big years, I think. It’s also year two of our system, a lot is in place, and we have already started on next year. Don’t sleep on the Green Hornets. We’re coming out stinging in 2024.”

PRESS PHOTO BY MARK LINEBERGER Aiden Garrett is one of 11 seniors who were part of this year's Emmaus boys lacrosse team.
PRESS PHOTO BY MARK LINEBERGER Emmaus senior John Hughes battles through a pack of Parkland defenders during a game against the Trojans.