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Coplay Fire Department receives federal grant funds

During the June 6 Coplay Borough Council workshop meeting, interim Fire Chief Mark Schuster reported the borough fire department was awarded a SAFER Grant of $194,140.66.

SAFER stands for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response. This is a federal grant that will be used during a four-year span for gear and equipment based on specific guidelines.

In other business, it was reported the air conditioning unit at Coplay Public Library is not working properly, and a new unit will cost approximately $9,000. The concept of the library splitting the cost of a new unit with the borough was discussed, along with other ideas regarding funding the new equipment.

Councilwoman Janet Eisenhauer, head of the library committee and board, noted the library will kick off its summer reading program for both adults and children June 10. Additionally, library fees are currently being reviewed and revisited, and feedback from council is needed. Lastly, Eisenhauer reported the library board is still in need of one member.

Police Chief Ryan Emerich noted borough police officers are currently using the body cameras that were purchased with the aid of a grant the borough received.

Discussion occurred regarding having Ehrlich Pest Control treat the new Bridge Street building. The borough buildings are treated proactively by Ehrlich to prevent any pest problems from occurring. Council will vote whether to include the new Bridge Street location under that same protection during the June regular meeting.

Mayor Steve Burker thanked Paul Boyle, public works director, and his team for beautifying Community Plaza, North Second and Chestnut streets. Burker also thanked Councilman Mark Molitoris for his work as parks and recreation committee lead and for continuing the Wednesday summer series entertainment at the plaza.

Molitoris said the borough has three applicants for lifeguard positions this season but could use two or three additional guards. There is still time for interested parties to apply.

Earlier in the year, council said the borough would compensate lifeguards for the cost of their lifesaving course, based on the length of time the individual stays employed with the borough through the season.

Approval to hire the lifeguards and pool gatekeeper applicants will be voted on at the next regular meeting, which will take place 7 p.m. June 13 at borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St.