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Emmaus High School will administer final exams during the second week of June

Emmaus High School will celebrate Senior Awards Night 6:30-8:30 p.m. May 31 at the Zoellner Arts Center, 420 E. Packer Ave., Bethlehem.

All final exams will be administered June 5-7, following an open-campus policy.

Exams for students’ 2B, 3B and 4B classes will be administered June 5; exams for students’ 3A, 4A and 1B classes will be administered June 6; exams for students’ 1A and 2A classes will be administered June 7.

Any make up exams, only permitted with a medical excuse, will run 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 7.

For final exams, students may arrange for their own transportation or utilize district bussing. In between exams, quiet study halls will be available in the EHS Library or Cafeteria 1.

To access the full bell schedule for finals week, visit https://www.eastpennsd.org/ehs/daily/. Additional questions should be directed to students’ teachers.

Interact Club makes its final call for soda can tabs, which will be collected and donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Now through June 9, any remaining donations may be dropped off outside Room 524. With questions, contact akaunitz@eastpennsd.org.

EPSD students will attend the last day of the 2022-2023 school year June 9, which will run on a half-day bell schedule.

For the Class of 2023: Graduation practice will be held June 9 at the PPL Center, Allentown.

Students in need of transportation to or from practice must fill out a registration form by June 1. The form is available on the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuJBJNzuDnINR8bFKCCrU1TTfj0nSFRPhp3deKwplyYF_BIQ/viewform.

The EHS Graduation Ceremony will be held 1 p.m. June 11 at the PPL Center.

For guest information, visit https://www.eastpennsd.org/athletics-activities/graduation-information/.

Student graduation guidelines are available on the Class of 2023 Schoology page.

From June to August, the EHS Summer Learning Academy will offer accelerated, remedial and grade-improvement courses to all students. Courses include Aquatics, Wellness and Fitness, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry and Drivers’ Education. All academy registration is due by June 1. For full details, visit https://www.eastpennsd.org/ehs/article/summer-learning-academy-information-2/.

Inquiries may be sent to dtodd@eastpennsd.org.