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Two proposals approved

Representing Historic Bethlehem Museums and Sites, architect Jeffrey Long was granted two certificates of appropriateness for separate project proposals for his client at the Historical and Architectural Review Board’s regular May 3 meeting.

Accompanied by CEO LoriAnn Wukitsch, Long first received approval to replace a failing and historically inappropriate deck and egress steps along the south elevation of the 1869 Luckenbach Mill at 459 Old York Road. The replacement steps are to be constructed with pressure-treated wood and composite materials to match the existing ramp and egress steps at the north wall of the building. Long explained the materials were selected as the building is located within the Colonial Industrial Quarter in an area that is prone to flooding.

Contractor Donald Sorensen assisted Wukitsch and Long in securing permission from HARB for their proposal to replace a crumbling stucco over concrete block garden wall at the Kemerer Museum of Decorative Arts Gallery at 427 N. New St.

The new wall for the corner of N. New and W. Wall is to be of brick. The applicants and board agreed on the darker red brick and the color of the mortar from samples provided by Sorensen. The new construction, along with its iron details, is to match the existing brick walls along the north and west perimeters of property.

The properties are owned and managed by Historic Bethlehem Museums and Sites. Acutely familiar with historic guidelines Long serves as historic officer for the Historic Conservation Commission.

Troy Long from Paul Wright Roofing successfully obtained COAs for his two clients at 407 and 409 Center St. for roof replacement for their connected one-story garages at the rear of their lots.

The worn slate will be replaced with GAF Slateline Antique Slate shingles with copper valleys and flashing with the drip edge to be white aluminum. The entire roof at 407, owned by George White, is to be replaced.

Beale Fowler, owner of the neighboring property at 409, chose to have the alley-facing roofing replaced while retaining the original slate on the side facing the back lawn.

Representing 26 W. Market St., contractor Joshua Ugden quickly received approval for sanding, prep, priming and painting the circa 1813 house. The proposal was considered “in kind,” as there will be no change of colors. Repairs to a windowsill are to be made to exact dimensions, pitch and profile and will be of solid mahogany.

Gwendolyne Romeril is listed as the owner of the property.

Voting for the above proposals was unanimous.

Having been approved at the April meeting for multiple project proposals, Erica and Brandon Horlick returned with a request to change the COA to allow GAF Timberline HDZ shingles in a slate color in lieu of the already approved GAF Slateline shingles for their home at 17 East Church St.

They said they had been told by their contractor the Timberline shingles were less expensive than the GAF Slateline Antique Slate shingles.

The vote was 4-1 to deny the substitution. The majority stated they were okay with the color and texture of the proposed shingles, but not the tapered pattern, as it does not resemble slate. Joe McGavin was the dissenting vote.

The Historical and Architectural Review Board regularly meets the first Wednesday of every month to review all exterior changes proposed to buildings in the Bethlehem Historic District north of the Lehigh River. When a proposed project receives a certificate of appropriateness from the board, applicants must wait for City Council to vote on it before proceeding. Meetings can be viewed on YouTube.

Historic Bethlehem Museums and Sites received a COA to replace this inappropriate deck and egress steps along the south elevation of the 1869 Luckenbach Mill at 459 Old York Road.
HARB granted approval to replace this historically inappropriate garden wall at the Kemerer Museum of Decorative Arts Gallery at 427 N. New St.
PRESS PHOTOS BY ED COURRIER At right, contractor Donald Sorensen holds up a mortar sample as he assists architect Jeffrey Long and Historic Bethlehem Museums and Sites CEO LoriAnn Wukitsch with obtaining approval for a garden wall replacement at 427 N. New St. From left are Historic Officer Joseph Phillips, Chairperson Connie Postupack, Vice Chair Diana Hodgson and Joe McGavin.
HARB issued COAs for roof replacement for these attached 1-story multi-bay garages at the rear of 407 and 409 Center St.
Troy Long from Paul Wright Roofing presents his garage roofing replacement proposals for his two clients at 407 and 409 Center St.
Erica and Brandon Horlick return with a request to change the COA to allow GAF Timberline HDZ shingles in slate in lieu of the already approved GAF Slateline shingles for their home at 17 East Church St.
Sketch provided by Jeffrey Long depicting the replacement steps for the 1869 Luckenbach Mill at 459 Old York Road.