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Borough adds recording secretary for meetings

At the May 4 Northampton Borough Council meeting, council added a recording secretary for council meetings on a stipend basis.

Kristen Morey, of Northampton, made her debut at the meeting.

Council provided her a round of applause for joining the team. Her role is limited to attending and taking the minutes of the meeting.

In other business, council members received a list of applicants seeking part-time summer employment during 2023. The job openings are at the municipal swimming pool and public works department.

Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst noted there are a low number of applicants for the swimming pool cashier position. He added, though, there is an abundance of lifeguard applicants. He said the lifeguards may be willing to serve in both positions - lifeguard and cashier.

Brobst said students being hired for both positions would not work both positions simultaneously.

Councilwoman Judy Haldeman said the effort to paint the swimming pool has been delayed due to recent inclement weather. She noted the painting will be done before the pool’s opening in June.

Councilwoman Bonnie Almond reported Northampton Farmers Market has opened for the season. The market is open 3-6 p.m. Tuesdays at Municipal Park, Laubach Avenue and Smith Lane.

The Northampton Joint Veterans Association is planning to hold a Memorial Day ceremony May 29 at the veterans plaza, 14th Street and Washington Avenue, beginning 11 a.m. The annual gathering is a solemn ceremony honoring the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the armed forces.

Northampton Fire Department received a grant that will partially fund an electronic sign at the fire station, 1 Lerchenmiller Drive. The cost is $23,906. The grant was written by Mark Laub, the fire department’s grant writer and 2022 Gold Cement Bag Award recipient. Laub is also a fire department volunteer.

The Northampton Borough Police Department received two new Chevrolet Tahoe SUVs. One was budgeted, while the other replaced a vehicle that was totaled in an accident.

Mayor Anthony Pristash said he struggles to fit all the good things happening in the borough in his monthly Northampton Press column. He thanked council and many others in town who work to improve Northampton.

His slogan is “Build a Better Northampton.” He invited any resident to join him in his efforts.

The next Northampton Borough Council meeting is set for 7 p.m. May 18 at the municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit YouTube and enter Northampton Borough in the search box to access the meeting.

The meeting is recorded and accessible whenever a resident wants to view the meeting.