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Board approves bond counsel

Lehigh County Solicitor David Backenstoe took to the microphone in support of a motion for the appointment of a bond counsel during the April 26 commissioners’ meeting.

“As indicated during committee, Rick Molchany, our director of general services, has proposed a number of very important projects, capital projects, at a cost of approximately $61 billion. To underwrite those projects and costs, we are going to have to issue bonds. And of course, in order to issue bonds, we need bond counsel’, Backenstoe explained.

Putting-out bids and seeing the number of proposals for interest parties, Backenstoe told the commissioners how pleased he was that the lowest bid, by almost $20,000, came from a local law firm, Stevens & Lee, P.C.

The motion passed unanimously.

Carol Frawley and Katie Mumford were appointed to the Aging & Adult Services Advisory Council for a term expiring Dec. 31, 2026.

Henry R. Moore was appointed to the Mental/Intellectual Disabilities Board for a term expiring Dec. 31, 2025.

Keisha McCollin-Bulluck was appointed as the county’s new Human Resources Officer. Prior to the vote confirming her new position, she spoke about being ready and willing to accept the challenges her role.

Director of General Services Rick Molchany addressed the May 16 elections, confirming ballots had been printed and mailed.

He reminded, “the commissioners-at-large, as well as the parole officers of Lehigh County, are on the docket.”

They are in four locations, in addition to the Government Center, with cameras. The drop boxes, which were placed within two days of ballots being mailed, are currently being checked every 24 hours.

For more information, visit lehighcounty.org.

Lehigh Co Solicitor David Backenstoe discusses the motion of Bond Counsel sduring the April 26 Lehigh Co Commissioners meeting.