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LETTER TO THE EDITOR Writer endorses Jacob Roth for South Whitehall commissioner

To the Editor:

I have known Jacob Roth for only a couple years, but my first impression upon meeting him is one I still hold today.

Jacob represents everything we need in our local government today.

Jacob is an independent thinker, goal-oriented, proactive and collaborative.

He is committed to protecting our quality of life, strongly supports public safety, will ensure a fiscally responsible budget and insist on transparency.

He has demonstrated a solid understanding of the subjects that come before a commissioner since he was appointed to the board last year.

His depth of knowledge comes from all the meetings Jacob has attended in the last several years preparing for this opportunity.

I trust Jacob’s thoughtful approach as a fellow board member.

Please vote along with me to retain Jacob Roth as a South Whitehall commissioner in the May 16 Primary.

Brad Osborne

South Whitehall commissioner