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Searching for spirits

The George Taylor House, Lehigh and Poplar streets, Catasauqua, is renowned as the home of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

George Taylor was one of the nation’s Founding Fathers. The house was built in 1768 by Taylor and declared a National Historic Landmark in 1971. More recently, it is gaining notoriety for other reasons.

For years, volunteers have shared stories about what they call paranormal activities at the house. Unexplained noises (a person walking upstairs), lights being seemingly turned on not by a person and sightings of apparitions dressed in 18th-century garb in and around the house and summer house directly behind the mansion have been talked about.

During the last two years, paranormal investigating teams have been at the house seeking spirits and any other paranormal activity. They used electronic devices they believe confirmed other worldly activity and unexplained presence in the old house.

These efforts to seek the other realm at the George Taylor House are culminating in a red carpet viewing party May 4. Meet and view evidence from the George Taylor House Association’s paranormal partner organization, Interstate Paranormal Research, starting 7:30 p.m. at Catasauqua American Legion Post 215, 330 Second St. At 9 p.m., guests will watch the episode featuring the historic mansion on the Travel Channel’s “Ghost Hunters.”

The event is free, and attendees are asked to dress to impress. The kitchen will be open. A $5 cash donation is requested. There will also be a basket raffle and cash bar.

The evening promises to be an interesting, informative and thought-provoking - and perhaps a spine-tingling - experience.

PRESS FILE PHOTO The George Taylor House, Lehigh and Poplar streets, Catasauqua, will be featured on “Ghost Hunters” on the Travel Channel 9 p.m. May 4.