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Coplay: Maifest planned for May 7 at Coplay Saengerbund

Coplay Saengerbund’s heritage committee will hold a Maifest - May Dance - from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. May 7 at 205 S. Fifth St.

Music is by the Dave Betz Band.

There will be a Maypole, and the selection of a May Queen. The Maifest is planned for outdoors weather permitting.

There is a cost for members and guests.


The Coplay Wednesday night summer series continues 6-9 p.m. at the borough’s Community Plaza, North Second and Chestnut streets.

The Castaways play May 10. Steve Brosky and Jimmy Myers entertain May 17. A Pair of Aardvarks play May 24.


A tire drop-off event is scheduled for 10 a.m.-2 p.m. May 13.

Drop off up to six tires, with proof of Coplay residency, at the upper parking lot at Coplay Parkway. Tires accepted include cars, pickup trucks and vans only.

Large truck tires, ATV tires and motorcycle or bicycle tires are not accepted.


St. John’s Lutheran Church, 18 S. Third St., is planning a 150th anniversary main event, set for May 21.

Worship will begin 10:30 a.m. with Lutheran Bishop Christopher deForest giving the sermon.

There will be a gala luncheon starting noon at Coplay Saengerbund.

There is a cost. Children ages 6 and under get free admission.

Call Beth at 484-225-2634 or Louise at 484-294-6456 to order tickets.

Ticket sales will end May 8.


St. John’s Lutheran Church has a barbecue chicken pickup dinner 4-5:30 p.m. June 10.

Dinner is chicken with barbecue sauce, baked potato, corn, applesauce, fruit cup, roll and dessert.

Call Karen at 610-653-2816 to order. The deadline for orders is June 2.

Cost is a freewill donation.


The municipal pool, Second and Keefer streets, is gearing up for a great summer season with Aqua Zumba by Tara Miller, a free swim weekend Aug. 25-27, twilight pool evenings and other activities.

Call Tiffany at 610-262-6088 for information.

Contact Tiffany or Mayor Steve Burker at 484-239-1611 to learn how you can participate in a fundraising effort to save the Coplay pool, a valued quality-of-life destination in Coplay and beyond.

Coplay Borough is seeking a vendor for the municipal pool concession stand, a pool manager, pool lifeguards and a pavilion cleaner.

Contact the borough office at 610-262-6088 with questions.


American Club of Coplay, 300 Cherry St., continues to offer its monthly hoagie sales. Hoagies (regular or tuna) and sandwiches (ham and cheese or tuna) are available.

Call 610-261-2884 for the cost and to order, or order online via email to americanclub@rcn.com.


The Coplay Community Days committee is already planning an exciting 2023 event.

The Aardvarks are scheduled for Aug. 25. This will be the group’s 10th anniversary at the event.

The committee is also expanding its kids activities over the weekend.

The committee meets 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of every month in Coplay council chambers, 98 S. Fourth St. Meetings are open to the public.


Coplay Public Library is seeking a library director to work 22 hours a week and an assistant library director.

Send a resume and three references to Janet Eisenhauer, 98 S. Fourth St.


The Coplay Fire Department reminds residents a fire doubles in size every 30 seconds.

If you have a fire hydrant on your property, clear snow around the hydrant so the fire department can locate it quickly to rapidly extinguish the fire.


For those with a 2023 exercise resolutions, aerobic exercise is held 8:45 a.m. Saturdays and 7 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at Coplay Borough Hall.

A small fee is charged for the session.

Call the borough office at 610-262-6088 with questions.


Coplay Food Bank, located in the lower level of the municipal building, is open 8:30- 10 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month.

If unable to attend the scheduled Tuesday morning time frame, call Jodi at 610-262-0928 to make other arrangements.


To have an announcement or to share something in this column, email billleiner@aol.com or text 610-751-2745.