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Celebrating the revamping of the kindergarten program

Salisbury Elementary School Principal Zachary Brem, along with the kindergarten team of Dara Akerman, Christina Attar and Kathleen Kelleher presented the board with a slideshow celebrating the revamping of the kindergarten program over the last three years.

Brem highlighted key figures, including: 68% proficiency for winter benchmark for reading, 91% of students achieving typical or aggressive growth for reading and 8% decrease in high risk for reading difficulties.

Curriculum adjustments include Fundations, MTSS, Heggerty, LETRS PD, Wit & Wisdom and Geodes.

“This is very impressive,” Salisbury Township School District Curriculum and Technology Committee Chair Carol Klinger told the SES kindergarten representatives.

“Anytime that we can give kids a good foundation, it sounds like we are doing it, it’s good for the students, it’s good for the future of their education, it’s even good for the teachers above you teaching the upper grades, because if kids come with a good foundation, you can move them along without backtracking.”

School Representatives’ Reports

Salisbury High School Theatre will host Broadway Night May 19, according to SHS student representatives Claire Nichols and Bailee Neitz. Students are invited to come sing or watch others perform Broadway hits.

Other events of note include Model United Nations sent a group of students on a four-day overnight conference at Cornell University and Trivia Night scheduled April 27.

Lehigh Career and Technical Institute SHS student Joshua Orach highlighted LCTI/SHS graduate Daphne Ziegenfuss who will appear in an upcoming episode of the series “American Plumber Stories.”

Sia Lausch and Lillian Kemmerer highlighted key updates from Salisbury Middle School.

Students held several fundraisers for causes including Race for Adam, in support of teacher Sean Recke’s family, to Sights of Hope for which the Interact Club was able to raise $877 from the winter semiformal dance. There was also mention of new clubs, such as Animé Club and Chess Club as thriving. PSSA Spirit week was to start April 25, ending with a field day for students.

SES students Georgia Kuhns and Heath Collier-Hartstine announced kindergarten registration is now open. They also reflected on the various activities held at SES to celebrate and educate students about Autism and Down syndrome awareness during the week of March 27.

Flexible Instruction Days

June 1 is the deadline for the district to apply for the legal use of flexible instructional days.

Assistant Superintendent Kelly Pauling led a discussion on the use of FID, reminding the directors that since Zoom is no longer free, the district moved to Google Meet.

Paulin explained FIDs can only be used when a situation warrants it, such as emergencies or hazardous weather.

A survey sent out to parents/guardians and staff showed that 77% of parents are for FIDs and 95% of teachers support this option.

Level of independence, screen time and the individual needs of each child are among the concerns raised by parents on the option of FIDs.

Staff expressed the value of teaching face-to-face, concerns over technological equipment at home and the ability of students being at home to focus and learn.

Parents/guardians and staff expressed the value of having traditional snow days.

Teaching-Learning Update

Brem spoke about the SES Wellness Committee holding yoga assemblies for students in kindergarten through fourth grade. Students also attended a water works presentation by the Da Vinci Center, which was sponsored by the PTO.

Salisbury Middle School Principal Ken Parliman spoke about a recent parent workshop for parents whose children have IEPs.

Parliman also spoke about the Next Generation Science Standards and how the students are learning about this program. This will go into effect for the 2025-2026 school year and teacher training is underway.

SMS Assistant Principal Rob Sawicki spoke about other workshops SMS is holding.

He went on to discuss his attendance at the COALA conference, where he had a chance to interact with colleagues from other school districts about common issues pertaining to online learning.

Pauling spoke about how SHS has been designated as a Target Support and Improvement School. A draft to the board of directors on its plans will be submitted in June. Final board approval would be in August.

The next meeting of the curriculum and technology committee is scheduled 7 p.m. May 10.

Press Photo by Marieke Andronache Bailee Neitz and Claire Nichols update school district directors on activities at Salisbury High School.
Joshua Orach presents the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute monthly update.
Heath Collier-Hartstine and Georgia Kuhns talk about the latest news and events at Salisbury Elementary School. PRESS PHOTOS BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE
Sia Lausch and Lillian Kemmerer update school district directors about what's happening at Salisbury Middle School.