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Catty council discusses deficit, police staffing

Catasauqua Borough Council’s April 24 meeting focused on a reported budget deficit of $3 million - $2.3 million of which was said to concern the preparation work for the Iron Works site.

Other reported overages included police department and overtime costs.

Mayor Barbara Schlegel said the borough is hiring three full-time police officers. She said the borough is also increasing the pay for part-time police officers, with the goal of attracting and retaining members of the force. The pay is being raised from $21 to $29.96 per hour. It is important to offer competitive pay rates, she said.

Vince Smith, former council president, questioned if the borough could use the raised taxes to help pay the best candidates.

Police Chief Doug Kish said salary is not the issue. Rather, he said, the challenge is getting applicants who have successfully passed the police examination and a full background check.

In other business, Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church is reportedly willing to pay for the Suburban North Family YMCA summer program. The program includes baseball, basketball and soccer and is a haven for many youths in the summertime.

Borough members discussed motor vehicles speeding on the roads surrounding Sheckler Elementary School. The speed limit is posted at 15 mph; however, they don’t believe this is being enforced. Schlegel agreed speed enforcement is needed and said she would set up a meeting with school board members to help resolve this.

The summer concert calendar is full. Contracts have been secured with the vendors for these summer events. This is expected to bring in a significant amount of revenue for the borough. A new vendor liability form is being utilized to ensure all rules, regulations and expectations are followed.

Every Saturday morning, the borough has a weekly cleanup during the spring and summer months. Anyone interested in participating in this ongoing project should contact Schlegel’s office.

The planning commission has two openings for committee members. The zoning and hearing board has one opening for a committee member. All inquiries regarding these positions should be directed to Schlegel’s office.

An issue was raised by a borough resident regarding the new taxes. The speaker expressed concern the increased rates are hitting some residents hard and questioned if there could be an extension for individuals who could not pay in a timely manner. Borough Manager Glenn Eckhart said a deferment for this year was not a possibility. However, a delay in payment for those hit hard by the increase is possible for next year.

Councilman Gene Schlegel said he was pleased with the Arbor Day celebration. He added the festivities were well received by the community and made a positive impact.