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The lights in the audience slowly fade

as does the incomprehensible chatter of the crowd.


the conductor has appeared on stage.

He walks up to his perch,

and blaring lights illuminate him.

Slowly -

the baton is raised,

and then…

The sweet sound of violins fills the space as

their bows stab the air in perfect synchrony.

Piccolo trumpets join in with their shrill soprano melody.

The deep, constant timpanis

provide a strong foundation.

And finally -

starting high then low,

the choir begins to sing.

The glue that holds the piece together,

and at the front -

I stood.

One singer out of two hundred.

The moment shared with all,

as we sang in unity.

The orchestra,

the choir…

The only thing that existed in that instant.

After months of work;

“Bach’s Magnificat.”

All the pieces fell into place.

68 full pages of music,

but even so -

the incredible occasion,

ending all too soon.

And as I walk off the stage,

after the cheering and a final word from the conductor -

I find myself longing,

for another magnificent moment.

Noah Langkamer-Smith Age 14, Grade 8 Trexler Middle School Allentown School District