Published April 29. 2023 12:54AM
Harriet Tubman’s
her soul,
going around giving
her speech,
her words, and giving
her speech beautifully. Using
her mouth,
her mouth moving,
making a sweet vibration. Now
I give
my poem to
her, Harriet Tubman.
She was a blessing among us,
she had a heart among us,
oh my,
she gave the world a smile
in our hearts, and
joy in our souls.
I thank Harriet, and
her beautiful words that
were spoken. I thank Harriet
her soul that can cherish a
She was meant to have a
life, I mean maybe
she was beaten or almost killed,
but remember,
she survived the endless torture,
she made history,
she saved souls,
she saved lives,
lives. History,
She made history, history.
Harriet Tubman’s heart is
our blessing,
her life is my blessing.
Aubrey Rodriguez Age 9, Grade 4 Freemansburg Elementary School Bethlehem Area School District