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Deering running for board seat

Michael Deering has cross-filed for a four-year seat on the Parkland School Board.

He has been married 17 years to Miwa Deering and has three children in the district.

He has been a SPYA baseball coach for 12 seasons.

“I moved to the Lehigh Valley in 2015,” he said. “I am originally from San Francisco, Calif.”

Deering says he has lived in California, Arizona, Kansas, Virginia, Maryland and Georgia and overseas for a total of eight years in Italy, Afghanistan, Korea, Japan and Mexico.

His professional career includes business owner of commercial real estate for the last five years, Amazon operations manager for five years and Army officer for 10 years.

He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in criminal justice from San Francisco State University.

Deering issued the following statement for why he is running.

Topic 1: Parent Inclusion

“I am a concerned parent who sees the curriculum blurring the lines between education and child rearing. Parkland parents are capable of instilling values and morals in their children, and we should trust that when we send our children to school our values and morals are not challenged in the academic environment,” he said. “When on the school board I will help establish a bright line between the schools’ mandate to educate and the parents’ right to know their values are not being stepped on at school.”

Topic 2: Student Opportunity

“As one of the few Hispanic candidates I am upset to see Hispanic students so far behind their peer groups. Hispanics are the second largest demography at 13% and per Parkland High School data, submitted to Pa. Department of Education, Hispanic students score 40% lower in college readiness compared to their peers. In English, science, and math, they score 14%, 18% and 21% lower than their peers, respectively. Any time and resource that is diverted to address social issues is a disservice to all students, especially to those who have been left behind,” he explains. “When on the board, I will reach out to the Hispanic community to find a solution and allocate funds that focus on academics not social opinions.”

Topic 3: Financial Competency

“I am a concerned business owner witnessing the school board mismanaging taxpayer money,” he stated, adding.

•The board is holding $22 million tax dollars while it loses 6% to inflation and the board voted to raise taxes.

•The board is holding $22 million in tax dollars and is borrowing at the highest rates in 20 years to fund a new $19 million operations buildings.

•I attend board meetings and watch the board rubber stamp $19 million cost estimates with zero questions and watch them unwilling or unable to answer simple budgetary questions within their individual area of responsibility.

“With my experience at Amazon and in my own business I am comfortable deep-diving financial expenses to cut waste without sacrificing student opportunities,” he said. “I am very comfortable challenging cost estimates to ensure taxpayer money is spent efficiently.

“Lastly, I understand my position on the board is as a servant to the public not a gatekeeper.

“I will provide transparency and answers to all questions asked with a 48-hour time frame.”

Deering and his running mates will “Elevate Education Not Taxes” in Parkland. For information, visit EducationFirstForParkland.org.

Michael Deering