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LC Controller Mark Pinsley seeks re-election

Lehigh County Controller Mark Pinsley has announced he will seek re-election.

During his tenure in office, Pinsley became a leading advocate to lower health care costs by exposing a health care system that placed unearned profits before the health care needs of Lehigh County taxpayers. His innovative work on this issue, identifying over $7 million in total health care savings for the county, was recently highlighted in Bloomberg News. He also sought responsible criminal justice reform, eviction protection for our most vulnerable citizens and the expansion of voting rights by advocating for the continued use of drop boxes.

“When I was first elected Lehigh County Controller four years ago, I promised that my office would be transparent, financially responsible, compassionate and always responsive to the needs and interests of every citizen in our community,” Pinsley said. “The people of Lehigh County deserve nothing less and that is why I have decided to seek re-election. I want to make sure that government continues to work on behalf of those who work hard and play by the rules, and not by the wealthy and well-connected, who believe that the rules don’t equally apply to them,” he concluded.

Pinsley has an MBA from the Kelly School of Business at Indiana University and is proud to have served his country as an Army Reserve Veteran. He runs a small business and is a long-time resident of Lehigh County, where he lives with his wife, Nina and two children.

“I want to make sure that government continues to work on behalf of those who work hard and play by the rules and not by the wealthy and well-connected, who believe that the rules don’t equally apply to them.”

Visit https://www.VoteMarkPinsley.com for more information.