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Fox seeks board of commissioners seat

Republican Elizabeth Fox has announced her candidacy for the Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners.

“I have dedicated my experience to serving the community, veterans and first responders,” Fox said. “I come with exceptional communications management skills that bring many years of working within the community.”

Fox currently serves as vice chair of the Whitehall parks and recreation committee and said she represents the township’s disabled community.

“As a commissioner, I would bring new ideas and solutions to our community’s issues, and it starts with fresh leadership to lead us into the future,” Fox said.

She said she plans to end nepotism within the township government.

“The ‘good old boys’ network will be replaced with accountability and transparency, a municipal government that best serves the people, not the politicians,” Fox said.

She is a graduate of Thomas Edison State University with a bachelor’s degree in communications. She currently works as a senior administrator and assistant accountant. Fox is also a notary for Lehigh County.

She is a daughter of a Vietnam War veteran, who served in the U.S. Air Force 1968-69.

Fox has lived in Whitehall for 18 years with her husband, Timothy, of 20 years. They have one son, Christopher, who graduated from Whitehall High School in 2020. He is a volunteer firefighter in the township.