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EHS names student of the week

Q. In what grade are you currently enrolled?

A. I am currently in 12th grade at Emmaus High School.

Q. Please provide the first names of your family members: parents, siblings and pets.

A. My mom’s name is Lynn, my dad’s name is Rob, my brother’s name is Aaron, my dog’s name is Atlas and my cats’ names are Snuggly and Star.

Q. What is your favorite subject? Why?

A. My favorite subject is science because it primarily focuses on understanding the world around us and I feel it can be used in many ways to improve the quality of life for all.

Q. Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A. I have been on the high honor roll the past three years at EHS and won the creative voice award my freshman year.

Q. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? How has being involved in these organizations impacted your high school experience?

A. I have been involved in multiple extracurricular activities during my high school years; these include private singing lessons, Activism Club (of which I’m the vice president), Interact Club, Astronomy Club, Earth Watch Club, Young Democrats Club and National Honor Society. These have all served as great influences on who I am today as they’ve helped me connect with numerous people and become more involved in community volunteer opportunities.

Q. What do you consider your biggest challenge to date?

A. I would consider my senior year as one of the biggest challenges I have faced as this year has required me to find a delicate balance between many difficult classes, new clubs and activities that I’ve joined and preparing for and applying to colleges as I prepare for adulthood. There were many times throughout this year when I found all of this to be overwhelming; however, I have spent much time and effort and have managed to work through these difficulties.

Q. What is your next goal after high school?

A. After high school I hope to involve myself in the many research and intern opportunities available in college and further improve my knowledge to work on projects that will have lasting worldwide impacts.

Q. Whom do you admire? Why?

A. I admire my teachers and my parents because they taught me all I know today and I wouldn’t have been able to achieve any of my goals without them. Specifically teachers like Mrs. Kneller and Mr. Pum who have expanded my knowledge of the world and my mother who has guided me along since a very young age, teaching me to always try my hardest.

Q. For what would you like to be remembered?

A. I would like to be remembered for how hard I worked to get through high school and the numerous challenging projects and classes I‘ve worked through. I would like to be remembered as a caring, hardworking person.

Q. Do you have any advice for your peers?

A. My advice would simply be to try new things and manage your time wisely; there will be many opportunities available to you throughout high school, just make sure you can balance everything and give it your all.