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Directors learn “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing”

The East Penn Board of School Directors recognized the Lower Macungie Middle School team that produced the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing” video at the April 24 board meeting.

LMMS students and their faculty adviser Alice Boulrice were recognized for their award-winning video about working at B. Braun Medical Inc. They will compete in Harrisburg in the upcoming statewide contest.

Board President Dr. Joshua A. Levinson expressed appreciation to the Lehigh Valley Educators Credit Union for a donation of $10,000 to purchase calculators for district students.

The board was presented with a math update presented by curriculum & instruction (STEM) supervisors Michael Mihalik and Jessica Thacher. As a follow-up to what was shared at the Nov. 14, 2022 meeting, the directors reviewed action steps to date, derived from screening and state assessment data.

These steps include improving placement rubrics especially during transitional periods and creating a districtwide mathematics website to provide additional math resources to support students and families.

The website would also provide information to help families understand the difference between different math courses and sequence and various acceleration tracks a student can follow.

This was followed up by a 2023-2024 budget priorities presentation led by School Superintendent Dr. Kristen Campbell and Director of Special Education Dr. Linda Pekarik. They identified a need for seven interventionists totaling $800,000, special education staffing for $700,000, ESL and education alternatives support services for $50,000 and safety and security resources costing $200,000. These add up to $1,750,000.

They assured the board this will not push the requested tax increase past what had already been proposed.

The following contracts were approved at the meeting:

•Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit Technology Pool and Legal Services Consultation Agreement effective July 1 through June 30, 2024.

•Intrado Interactive Services Corporation’s SchoolMessenger for SafeArrival Two Way Student Attendance System July 1 through July 30, 2027.

•Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP Engagement Letter Special for Education Legal Services Consultation Agreement for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year and 2023-2024 school year.

•Community Services for Children, Inc. for Pre-K Counts Program at Alburtis Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year.

•The Nutrition Group Food Service Management Company Cost Reimbursable five-year renewable contract effective July 1 through June 30, 2024.

The directors also approved the Memorandum of Agreement between the East Penn Education Association and the East Penn School District regarding class coverage effective date of board approval. The MOA will expire on the final day of the 2023-2024 school year.

In her district update, Campbell expressed excitement over a well-attended Career Exploration Fair and the Emmaus High School’s Middle School Jazz Band Festival where the Eyer Jazz Band earned a rating of “Outstanding.”

She reminded all that sales of 2023 graduation lawn signs for seniors and for “graduating” eighth graders, by the East Penn Education Foundation, end May 15.

Kindergarten registration for the upcoming school year continues.

EHS Student Government Association Student Representatives Maggie Machulsky and Maddie Hess reported on various academic, musical and sports accomplishments.

Assistant Superintendent Douglas Povilaitis mentioned there were minor changes during a second reading of policy updates discussed at the previous meeting.

The Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit Special Education Facilities Plan for the 2023-2024 school year was quickly approved after being introduced by CLIU board member Dr. William Whitney.

In personnel matters, the board accepted the retirements of Jefferson Elementary School Grade 2 teacher Suzanne Friedman, Emmaus High School social studies teacher John Gallagher, Shoemaker Elementary School Grade 5 teacher Timothy Hurd, EHS Spanish teacher Claudia Murray, Alburtis Elementary School kindergarten teacher Pamela Briody and LMMS English teacher Lillian Wunderly. All are effective June 10.

Campbell noted these six retiring educators collectively had “148 years of combined service.”

The directors acknowledged the resignations of EHS Earth and Space Science teacher Rachel Baxter, EHS special education teacher Mollee Griffith and Shoemaker Elementary School ESL teacher Erin Follweiler. All are effective mid to late April.

Approved promotions include Jody Freed to director of special education, replacing retiring Pekarik and Rebecca Champion to serve as Lincoln Elementary School principal, replacing retiring Lynn Brinckman. Both are effective July 1.

Rachel Richwine was approved as school psychologist for EHS and Alburtis Elementary School, effective June 26.

There were five requests to address the board.

Allentown resident Jenn Riedy discussed Act 71, suicide prevention and a request for the district to put in place an age-appropriate awareness program on the topic of exploitation of children.

The remaining speakers were Emmaus residents.

Jason Hulko asked, “What is being done to address the shocking level of violence taking place in the high school?” Reporting on what he had heard from his son, Hulko requested parents be notified about such incidents and how they were handled.

Jess Denke noted April 23-29 is National Library Week. She quoted an anti-censorship message from the Freedom to Read Foundation, associated with the American Library Association.

Mary Ellen Jackson continued to promote Parents for Equity in East Penn Schools (PEEPS). She said the organization’s focus is on “community building.”

“I will be voicing my objection to the indoctrination by this board in our schools of the false doctrine of transgenderism,” Barbara Tantaros said as she commented on transgender issues and suicide.

Levinson announced an executive session was held before the public forum at 6:45 p.m. on “safety and security, personnel and confidential matters.”

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled 7:30 p.m. May 8. The public can access documents through BoardDocs via a link on the district website. Livestreaming of meetings is available on the district’s YouTube channel.

PRESS PHOTO BY ED COURRIER The Lower Macungie Middle School team is recognized for their award-winning video for “What's So Cool About Manufacturing.” From left, are students Gabriella Davila, Avalon Reiser, Chase Miller, Robert Snyder, Tyler Iyengar, Harrison Redmond and Leo McCabe. Faculty adviser Alice Boulrice is at right. Not pictured is Arwen Causa.