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Sauerkraut Lane Extension nears end date

Alburtis Borough Council met April 12 for a short discussion, highlighted by talks about roadwork, parks and recreation.

The meeting began with no public comment and shifted to the mayoral report.

Mayor Kathleen Palmer shared a photo of progress on the Sauerkraut Lane Extension. This is expected to be finished in late April; however, it may take longer.

Following that, the police report was approved. As of April 10, the Alburtis Police Department has responded to 400 incidents with 49 percent of the incidents vehicle or truck stops. Additionally, the Macungie Ambulance report showed 12 calls to the borough in March.

The previous meeting minutes, treasurer’s report and engineer’s report were then approved.

In administration, there were seven items on the docket.

First, three roadwork projects were discussed.

The Franklin Street project will begin May 1 in three phases. The project will begin between Lockridge Lane and Franklin Street, then they will work toward Alburtis Borough Hall. The project is estimated to take three months. Trees are coming down and new sidewalks will be put in.

The second item was regarding the School Street drainage project. A quote was received on how much would be needed from the liquid fuels fund.

In good news, the borough was awarded $42,297 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund grant program for the drainage project.

A request for two more speed humps on West Penn Avenue was the last item involving roadwork. A resident sent a letter requesting to pay for two more speed humps to be installed alongside the two new speed humps. The council disagreed with the request and felt doubling the speed humps would be too much. It was denied by the council.

Next, there were three items within parks and recreation.

The location of where to install the Harold Frey Memorial Bench was up first. Palmer suggested placing it on Franklin Street, right near borough hall. However, council decided to keep brainstorming and keep discussions ongoing for the next meeting. It was noted $740 was donated for the bench.

Two hockey nets need to be replaced at Walbert’s Memorial Park off Cobblestone Court. Council approved the purchase.

Beth Kuhns, the treasurer at the community center, was in attendance to request road closures. The community center is taking over the Community Day event June 17. Kuhns requested the borough close Walnut Street by the pool entrance, down to a portion of West Second Street during the event 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Residents will need to move cars in that area. More information will go out to the Alburtis residents before the Community Day event. The closure was approved by council.

The last item on the docket was a handout titled “Archive Social.” It is an organization that archives social media pages government agencies use to help protect municipalities. Borough Manager Steve Nemeth requested approval from council to pursue more information about getting involved. This was approved.

The next meeting will be held 7 p.m. April 26 at Alburtis Borough Hall, 260 Franklin St.