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Real estate tax credit for active volunteer firefighters receives board sponsorship

“It’s really important that we get this done” Commissioner Antonio Pineda, original sponsor of Bill 2023-17, providing for a real estate tax credit for active Lehigh County volunteer firefighters residing in Lehigh County, said during the April 12 Lehigh County Commissioners meeting.

“It’s really important to say thank you for everything that our volunteer firefighters in Lehigh County do to keep our community safe,” Pineda said.

In a show of unity, the ordinance received full board sponsorship.

“They sacrifice so much time, financial as well, pay for their training and everything else. And they put their lives at risk every day to make sure that our communities are safe,” Pineda said.

The ordinance sets a real estate credit of up to $150, for each owner-occupants, as long as they meet the criteria of eligibility.

The tax credit totals cannot exceed the real estate tax paid for the property.

Fire chiefs will need to provide a list of their respective volunteer firefighters who meet the requirements of this tax credit to the county.

Commissioner Jeffrey Dutt added, “I think that for those folks who volunteer in our community that give all to protect us, this gives a little bit back to them.”

“This is an acknowledgment of the sacrifices that these folks make. It is not just in terms of time, it is in terms of money. These are folks who answer the pager or they answer the call and leave work,” Commissioner Ron Beitler said.

Once the ordinance receives passage of the final reading, currently scheduled for April 26, the real estate tax credit will be in effect for the 2023 tax year.

According to Pineda, Lehigh County is one of the first to introduce this tax credit in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Press Photo by Marieke Andronache Lehigh Commissioner Antonio Pineda discusses the details of the Real Estate Act for Active Volunteer Firefighters at the Lehigh County Board of Commissioners meeting April 12.