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Officer Kyle Bernhard recommended for full-time position

The Macungie Police Department requested to hire a full-time police officer during the April 17 Macungie Borough Council meeting and is interested in offering this position to Officer Kyle Bernhard.

The security wall issue for Macungie Borough Hall was discussed. Proposals have been received and a detailed proposal has been requested.

Truck traffic was a topic of conversation again. Trucks travel on roads they should not use causing problems for motorists and residents of the area.

The Church Street sidewalk project was discussed with revisions to last meeting’s proposed procedures. The timeline is being further refined. Letters will be mailed out by June 25 with appeals to be filed by July 16. Appeals will be heard by the planning commission during the Aug. 16 meeting.

A representative from the library spoke about what the libraries have to offer. Because area libraries have formed a cooperative, residents can have a library card which can be used in any of 12 libraries. Library cards are free.

Macungie Institute gave an update on the facility. There are ongoing activities and events such as book clubs, grief share, movie nights and more. It is estimated 1,105 people visited the institute in March.

The public works department is hiring Keith Braim as a part-time seasonal worker.

There was an executive session for real estate, legal and personnel issues.