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Are school board candidates being transparent?

To the Editor:

It’s school board election time again and out of 11 candidates for the East Penn School Board, there are five candidates running as a slate. It has been my experience in school board politics that slates of candidates have a shared agenda for when they are elected.

There is nothing wrong with having an agenda as long it is clearly publicized and made known to the voters. This slate’s agenda, however, is rather vague. They claim to be for quality education, fiscal responsibility and transparency. Nice, but aren’t all candidates for these things?

It is implied that the quality of education has declined in East Penn, but they offer no examples and no plan for improvement. Since two of their opponents are incumbent board members, it appears that this slate is blaming them for the imagined decline. Again, no basis in fact is offered.

As for fiscal responsibility, why bring it up unless they are accusing the present board of fiscal irresponsibility? I am sure every candidate plans on being fiscally responsible.

As for transparency, are they being transparent? What is their agenda? They say all the right things, but does anyone really know or understand their positions on anything?

How about the hot-button items that other groups bring up? Are they another right-wing group that wants to take over the district, whitewash history (literally and figuratively), marginalize LGBT+ students and ban books? Just asking.

And voters, please do the same.

Terry Richwine

Lower Macungie Township

Former EPSD Director 1995-2011