Published April 19. 2023 11:09AM
Democrat Judith Haldeman has officially announced her candidacy for Northampton Borough Council in the first ward.
Haldeman has served on the Northampton Borough Municipal Authority board since July 2021 and was appointed to fill the empty seat of the late Councilman Keith Piescienski on Northampton Borough Council in 2021.
As a member of borough council, Haldeman serves on the public works and sewer committees as well as chairs the building, land and recreation committees.
In addition, she was appointed to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission in 2023, representing Northampton County as an elected official. She serves on the environment committee, which is a subcommittee of the LVPC.
Haldeman said her focus as a councilwoman is to work with borough officials to provide the needed improvements in the borough, ensure fiscal responsibility and continue to have Northampton be a community residents are proud to call home.
Haldeman has resided in the first ward of Northampton Borough for most of her life. She recently retired from the county of Northampton, where she was employed for 38 years in the department of human services.
Haldeman said she enjoys spending time with her family and her two pups, Sami and Olli.