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Salisbury NHS hosts egg hunt for students

PRESS PHOTOS BY NOLAN GREJDA Students Giana Cerco, Reese Petrie, Kate Smith and Katherine Updegrove sit at the table welcoming those who signed up for the Salisbury National Honor Society sponsored egg hunt at the school April 6.
Student volunteers Ava Grube, Conner Leavy, Emily Morris, Hailey Bender, Cameron Kubinsky, Macy Newman, Gwen DeFazio and Haylee Leayman direct parents and children to the baseball field for the egg hunt.
NHS officers Kate Smith, Noah Kichline, Ella DeFazio, Olivia Ringholm, and Jackson Kramp stand with the Easter Bunny.
Sydney and Paige Ziegenfus and the Easter Bunny greet attendees and direct cars to the parking area.